Tuesday, December 31, 2002

at home making turkey and stuff, waiting for the friends and the man, wanted to wish everyone a most happy new year!
Today I go to get my offer letter and put in an offer on a house. I am nervous and excited.

I am about to eat free chineese for lunch!

Monday, December 30, 2002





Friday, December 27, 2002

Once again leave it to laura to give me a blog, I need to sum up my year in 20 words or less as per the Mayfly Project here goes nothing....

Married to my pal, worked, tripped to many places, saw the pedens (yea!). Excited for next year-new house.

thats 19, best I can do!

Thursday, December 26, 2002

Back at work. I had a nice xmas with the Baumers, wearing my new striped sweater today :) Spent last night watching 2 episodes of Band of Brothers which is the BEST DVD that we own. Tonight we watch the last episode.

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Had a great Xmas Eve, some nice gifts from my parents and brother. A nice check from my mom and dad for the house. Everyone seemed to like their gifts as well. Dale got me a puzzle, a calandar (the yearly standard!), a gift certificate for a water massage (YES!) and a puzzle. He LOVED his freakazoid picture! I RULE!

Monday, December 23, 2002

Long Time no post! Had a busy weekend, Friday night met with our realator to go over house stuff, Saturday in Whitewater for family Xmas. Thanks to Robin for the Starbucks thermos (which keeps coffee flaming hot for over 10 hours, NUTS!) and the new Trival Pursuit game. Sunday we gamed at Jeffs-made dinner, yum. Thank goodness for the pampered chef cookbook, that Pecan carmel ring is YUM!. I think I lost at Fantasy Football to Mark (stupid Drew Bledsoe!).

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Saw LOTR The Two Towers last night and it was GREAT! Spent 3 hours in line with Jim and Muench (cool), ate Nachos (Yum) and watched movie. Movie was SUPER!! Had a nice time with everyone....Jim had issues with the Faramir character, but what can you do....

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Used my Amazon Gift Certificate. I bought the simpsons season 2 dvd, the austin powers dvd 3 pack, the fifth element dvd, and a book. A good shopping trip was had by all!

Today I am going to see LOTR: The Two Towers with everyone. Matt said Rockwell bought 100 tickets so I guess most of Rockwell will be there as well! I am leaving work at 3pm, heading to Oscars for a "early" dinner (or 2nd breakfast) and then to West Towne Ultrascreen to sit in line. I have a book, a crossword, and my cross sitch, also brought jeans and a sweater to change into so I am set. From what I have seen this movie is super cool.

Pretty rainy and yucky today. They better not have people waiting outside for the movie, there will be riots!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2002


Today I got a 100.00 Amazon.com giftcertificate! This is so cool! I had chineese at Ching-Hwa with Alan (10.00 for the both of us, Quick and cheep!) and Dale is getting an X-Ray tonight! Fun!

Monday, December 16, 2002

No posts this weekend, it was a long and busy one. Friday night I went to my parents house, had a snack, helped make x-mas cookies, came home and was surprized to find my husband! He begged off Napoleons and stayed home. We ended up watching Band of Brothers on DVD and playing Warcraft 3.

Saturday we went to Madison to visit Robin! Ate lunch at Pedros (pedros pedros making Mex-ee-can!), went shopping for used books at The Frugal Muse bought the xmas gift for my in-laws, went home.....Mark and Muench came over and we had dinner (thanks to Harry and Davids for the ham) and played Munchkin Munchkin till the wee hours.

Gaming at Jeffs sunday and I lost in the playoffs to LeMarbre.

Happy Monday

Thursday, December 12, 2002

WHAT A SWELL DAY!!! Today I got a gift basket from Harry and Davids from my friends at Pitney. It has a freakin' turkey in it plus a very cool Jazz Classics CD which I am listening to as we speak. It has coffee, chocolates, yummy fruit (and if you have never had a Harry and David pear you havent lived!) and god knows what else. It is now sitting in my truck being cold.

The disease is not getting better for either Baumer. Dale was dizzy and sick in the shower this morning, Mary is coughing and sneezing up a lung over here! I am really tired although I got alot of sleep last night...maybe sleeping with my cat is making me sleepier. She certainly seems to love to sleep with us!

I'm going to take my lunch break....Have a nice day everybody!

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Back at work although Dale stayed home again today. Spent yesterday working from home, sleeping, blowing nose, being miserable. At work today in my new suit (whoo hoo) trying to catch up and not collapse from exaustion.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Dale and I are sick. really bloody sick. Both stayed home from work, both slept till 11amish...both waiting for the drug man (ie dr mcavoy) to call in with our magical drugs ( the zithromax 5 day pack!)

Sunday, December 08, 2002

Long weekend and now I am sick not planning on going to work tomorrow as I think I have the flu or something.

Dale won on Friday, I took fellowship on Saturday AM, Dale took 2nd (another LE) on saturday afternoon and was creamed on Sat Nite at AGP. They (Jeff, Gary and Dale) went to The HOG and had drinks. We were supposed to see Robin Sunday but we didnt play anymore and both of us are sick :(

I need sleep. I won my fantasy game. The packers are down by 2.

Saturday, December 07, 2002

Off to play with Robots today. Dale WON last night in Appleton, WI...and is now ranked 5th in the state!

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Last night I used my new Pampered Chef Stone and Garlic Press to make a Herb Lemon Chicken Ring which Dale 100% approved of and I ate as well for lunch today. Damn, its tasty!!! Work today, sucked, I am busy. I don't see me being able to post very much in December.

I have the whole night to myself tomorrow, I am planning on seeing a show...Anyone want to come with me?

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

SOOOO BUSY AT WORK! I don't even have time to post anymore! I went to RSNAyesterday it was fun, my feet hurt and I had a headache but I got to take the train down to chicago, which is always fun, had a blast hanging out with Mary, Marika and Michelle. Tonight I plan on just chilling at home. Hoipefully working on Robin's Christmas gift. Happy december everyone

Monday, December 02, 2002

Back from Texas-Busy as heck. Quick recap: Friday made it home-Saturday Happy Birthday Dale! and visited with Bryce and family in Madison went to Mickeys for a Scrambler. Saturday Night, The Safehouse for Tim and Dale's birthday. Sunday, shopping for food, laundry, gaming (welcome Matt) and sleep. At work today at 5:30am. Yuck

Thursday, November 28, 2002


Last day in Texas. Got up, watched football, went to Joanne's house for Thanksgiving. They have a great tradition of signing the tablecloth at dinners and then Joanne embroiders the signatures! So cool. Flying tomorrow, I am so excited to be going home even though I have had a wonderful time!

Day Before Thanksgiving:

Today Dan and I kept it on the DL. Dan worked this AM, Dylan and I played computer games and chilled. Dan, Lizzie and I went to "Quicksands" for lunch (different),went to Berings for coffee and hammers, then the three of us went to the Spurs vs. Nuggets (a slaughter). Visted Dylan at Stonewerks (packed with a good rock-a-billy band) and went home for more AOE 2. Off to bed and to read my new Enders Game Book (thanks Dan!).

Finished American Psyco last night. That is one twisted ass book~

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Today Dylan and I went to Austin, TX to walk around 6th street. We went and saw an installation at an Art Museum, saw the capital building (taller than DC by 1 foot) and ate buffalo wings at BW3 (thirty cent tues...). It was fucking rainy and cold 45 degrees so we stayed in, ate pizza from Romes and are wating the Spurs/Nuggets game. Dylan is playing GTA-Vice City and Alice. We also played Chez Geek. Tomorrow more Spurs vs Nuggets at the SBC center.

Monday, November 25, 2002

Birthday dinner, went and ate sushi, not as good as Nobu (thanks Craig, Mitch, Conrad and Matt) but tasty. Had Dairy Queen. Watching football.
Going to Austin tomorrow!
Today we chilled out at home. I woke up at 10am after sleeping 12 hours. Dylan and I went and ate mexican for breakfast at 1:30pm and then we played Space Munchkin and read books. Went out and bought a new video and playstation game for Dylan and have been chilling at home ever since.

Tonight we go out to dinner with everyone (either Sushi or Italian) for my birthday and tomorrow Dylan and I drive to Austin to see the clocktower and the campus.

I am pretty much ready to go home, I miss my cat.

Sunday, November 24, 2002


Went to a play with Art and Paula this afternoon called "Last Train to Nabloc" which was good. Even better because I had breakfast with the actors and the director. I plan on watching football tonight. Jeff is winning by 5 points Fuck Fuck Fuck

Day 4 or 5 in Texas. Today I woke up around 10:30am. Dylan worked till like 3:30 last night and he woke up shortly after that. Dan brought home breakfast tacos (a purely southwest-y thing) and I had a sausage one.

A breakfast taco (for those not in the know) is basically a gordita bread thing with eggs and meat and I think maybe some onion? All wrapped up and eaten with hot sauce. It was tasty.

Dylan and I then decided to go to Sea World as Fiesta Texas (which is Great America only in Texas) was closed for the season. (even though it was 75 degrees today?!) The 410 highway was moving as fast as the cars in the REM “Everybody Hurts” video (which is to say not at all) so it took us like 600 hours to get there.

We saw three shows, a Dolphin/Manatee/Diving Humans show (rad), a Sea Lion/Walrus/Otter show (very rad), and (of course) the Shamu The Killer Whale (read: Asshole of the Ocean) show.

Dylan was picked beforehand to be the volunteer in the show and he actually got this || close to the whale (I have this on video) and he got SOAKED!! It was very cool. We also went on the 2 roller coasters there, very cool.

Then we went home, had dinner (which Dylan made-yum) and then decided to go out for Saturday night.

We first went to Broadway Bar (nice, had a bunch of leather chairs and a big screen) played darts with Jason and Lesley (Dylans coworkers), got some free Schmirnoff Swag and then decided to hit the Riverwalk and go to Howl at the Moon which is a rowdy Piano Bar Howl at the Moon

This place was nuts, NVTS Nuts. Dylan and co. closed the place and we went home. Dylan and I stayed up till like 4:30am talking about um, stuff. It was also my birthday at midnight so Dylan bought me a shot.

Today I had brunch with Art, Paula and three actor friends of theirs. I am going to a play with Art and Paula that the actors are in this afternoon. Happy Birthday to me, more later.

Saturday, November 23, 2002

day 4 in texas? I am losing track. Today was a wierd day. I slept till 11 am because I didnt go to sleep till 4am, too many cups of joe and pepsis at the bar and too much munchkin. Today Dan and Dylan and I went to pick up Dan's check from Burlington (which look like 30 min, what the fuck?) then went to the bank then went to IHOP (whoo hoo) for breakfast )(ate some odd mexican egg and steak thing, which sucked..but we had a hot waitress named Joi...) then we went to Burlington (just Dan and I) so I could buy clothes with his 20% off discount...Got some nice shite..

We then went to some gaming store so dan could buy Space Munchkin Check out Steve Jackson Gamesand some other game....Went back to Casa de Peden to play it, cool as hell. We then went with Paula to the new SBC center in San Antonio SPURSto watch the Spurs beat the Grizzlies. Had super great seats (Thanks to Univision 41 and Paula!)

After the game Dan and I went to see Dylan where he works Stonewerks caffe and Bar ate some Nachos and Mozz sticks, drank a nice Gray Goose and it was all compped (thanks Dylan and his boss!) went home and here I am.

Dylan gets off at 3am, we might go to either Austin or Fiesta Texas tomorrow. No idea which. I am off to bed, Love you dale.

Friday, November 22, 2002

Today is technically day three in texas as it is 3:14am. Dylan and Dan and I are playing "Munchkin" endless games of that...

I woke up at 10 am today and had salad for breakfast and talked with Art about The Alamo and his play and their cool house. Dylan did not come home last night as his girlfriend shipped (flew?) out for some place in Europe today (err yesterday)

Today Dan and I went out to lunch with his mom Paula and dad, Art. We went to Metropolitan (psudo french) outside in a shopping area in what used to be a Quary. I had Pumpkin soup (laura would have loved it! and this samich thingy which I picked at. We also saw the San Antonio Univision station where Paula works. We drove in an area of the city with these HUGE old houses (very New Orleans feel, one had a TOWER dale!) and then we went shopping in a artist area next to the Alamo. I bought a picture and talked with a potter about her craft. Saw the business cat, it looked like Zazi. Then we went to the Alamo. The Alamo is one big room, you cant take pictures inside, you cant wear your hat, you cant touch the walls. There is no basement of the Alamo.

Then we walked along the Riverwalk and into a Mall. It was a mall and it was loud.

That brings us up to 4 pm when my feet hurt and I got crabby and we walked back to the car. Went home-rested-played AOE 2. Met Tim, Tim is cool. Ate pizza, pizza is good.

Tonight went to a bar in a mall (much like La Tigre) listened to a bunch of people play Irish music, then Dan's friend Vanessa (her dad is the Mexican Consulate to the USA and she is from Equidor (she has Diplomatic plates which allow her to run over old ladies with impunity) and her friends Josh and someone else showed up. I ripped on them all night and they didnt get it, very sad.

Came back here at like i dunno, midnight and played endless games of Munchkin which I must buy. It is now like 3:30am and so I should sleep. No plans as yet for tomorrow.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Day two in Texas! yesterday I flew in and was late coming out of Atlanta (no big suprise) and Dylan picked me up. Dylan DROVE me back to his house but first we visited Dan at work and I bough shoes on his discount (cool sketchers only 12 bucks!) They have a beautiful house with a pool (which is normal cause everyone here has a pool!) We went to dinner theatre last night and saw Arts play, "Twigs" where he played an abusive ex-Army husband. It was very well done! Then Dylan, his date Amy, Dan and I went out to a bar called "swig" on the riverwalk had a glass of port (fontanseca bin no 27 no less!) then we walked past the Alamo at night (we couldnt get near it, guarded and all) I slept until 10am today and it doesnt appear Dylan came home last night! Dan is at class. As soon as I get on cable modem will upload pictures from last night!

Monday, November 18, 2002

This is the world's best webpage for sports, seriously!

Steve Czaben

I spend many a lunch hour at work reading this!

Sunday, November 17, 2002

Hello world! Busy ass weekend! Didnt get to see Goran :( because Dale and I had a date night saturday (since Ill be gone for 2 weeks) watched The Lord of The Rings special edition very cool, made an Apple Pie (with ice cream-Yummy!) Today we gamed at jeffs, Mark is no longer blind but we are stuck in an alternate dimension (terrific).

Many congrats go out to Matt as he is getting married to Pat. No more news other than I lost at Fantasy Football.

Friday, November 15, 2002

Busy weekend ahead of me: Tonight I go to see Harry Potter! Harry Potter I am going to the4:30 show right after work. Yippie! Then I think I'll head home, do some cleaning and packing for TEXAS!! (T minus 4 days!) maybe eat dinner...Tomorrow is the Goran Show at Shank HallGoran Show and Im planning on going to see him, its only $10.00 so please come on down!

Sunday is gaming at Jeff's where luck willing Jeff will throw another Green Dragon at us (cause you know we love those!) -**mary

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

I am sitting in my hotel room in Pontiac, MI drinking tea and listening to Norah Jones. The detroit airport is fucking huge, they have trains in the airport zipping around over your head (will try to get a picture of that when I leave tomorrow) I had dinner (steak-mmm beef) in the hotel restaurant (impressive wine list, had to restrain myself from ordering a $165.00 bottle of Stags Leap {If Craig was here we would have had that bottle I tell you}) and went back to the room to find that Buffy had been preempted by fucking Redwings Hockey (fucking Michigan), I went up to the Concierge Floor (swanky) gazed at the "Honor Bar" which has more alcohol than is right, grabbed some free tea and cheeze and this little finger cookie thingy with raspberry Jelly in it....

I watched some of "The Professional" on the plane ride here. That is one of Dale's Holy Trinity of movies. Good plane fare.

Only 8 days till TEXAS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!, so excited I could freak! Here I come Dylan and Dan!

Court hearing tomorrow early, then another car ride back to the airport, hop the plane, get into Milw before rush hour and go home. OH! The OT that i will clock this week!!

I am off to Detroit for work. "Shoot someone and tell them you're from detroit."-Wally Pleasant

Sunday, November 10, 2002

Here is my snap of the xmas tree

Friday, November 08, 2002

I am trying to figure alt. ways to post pictures (so they dont take up so much space.)
Here is a link to the webpage i set up to view pictrues, if it works you should see the elusive boo-berry
Morning, happy Friday!

I'm planning on having some "me" time this Friday night. Dale is going down to play Robots at Napoleon's and Mary plans on doing the following:
1.Returning overdue movies to blockbuster (paying fine)

2. Going to see Sweet Home Alabama

3. Going to Target to buy a Christmas Tree (or if all else fails going to Walmart to buy said tree)

4. Putting up said tree

5. Keeping cat away from the aforementioned tree

6. Finishing Robin's Xmas Present

7. Cleaning stuff (like kitchen and toilets and floors and dusting)

My one best buddy is away from work today which will make the day LONGGGG and painful. Fridays at work are always LONGGG and painful since no one else in the business world seems to want to do anything either.

More Later


Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Just back from having a nice lunch with my dad at Applebeas (which I hate but he loves their oriental chicken salad). He picked me up in his vette which just got waxed. They plan on waxing it again this weekend. My dad is a nut. Its freezing outside so I came in from the cold to go back to work and listen to Norah Jones on my laptop. This is an excellent CD. Seriously. If you have the means I highly recommend picking one up.
Back at work, mailbox not as full as I would have thought for being out for a whole day. Eating my bagel and waiting to start work. Have lunch with my dad today, which is like the 500th free lunch of the year (if you count work and work and lunches with dad and work) which means I am sick of eating out. How I long for Chef Boy R Dee out of the can, a nice homemade Peanut Butter and Jelly, with possibly crackers on the side, or mmmm leftover and reheated whatever I had for dinner last night.

These endless lunches out are killing me, food is no longer tasty and delish when I go out, its simply a chore. And that is sad.

on the good side I get to see my dad for the first time in like 3 weeks, thats always a bonus mouse.

Back to the grind!

Monday, November 04, 2002

Ok gang, here goes, my first attempt at posting a picture to the blog. If this works you should see Zazi, our cat.
I plan on posting pictures as often as I can (and as often as space allows) to share them. With my digital camera its too tempting to take 1000s of pictures.

any pictures you would want to see? Email me!
Mail me!

Sunday, November 03, 2002

Halftime during the big Sunday D&D thingy....I lost my fantasy game :( but it is to mikey so thats ok, plus my big gun, Priest Holmes is out this week so its all good. In the middle to killing Drow somewhere in some cave somewhere north of Shadowdale. The boys are eating Jimmys Grotto (ponza's) and I had a sammich so I guess I get to sit down in Jeff's basement while every ones eats.
Happy Weekend everybody!

This has been a busy one for the Baumer Family. We had dinner out on Friday Night with Mark @ Oakland Tratoria (very yummy bread) after MechWarrior (Dale took 3rd, Mark took 1st), had dinner out last night (and lunch too! WTF?) with Mark S and Mikey at "The Pub" in Oconomowoc (very tasty steak) and today we are heading over to Jeff and Kristy's house to RP and eat pizza (maybe)?

I am trying to get over this cold I seemed to have picked up (again) and also working on making a Rooster in Cross Stitch for *someone* for christmas...

Yesterday Dale and I did some clothes shopping for Dale. He got a bunch of new sweaters and pants and shirts and underwears. I also got new underwears. I would have gotten new pants but the line at Lane Bryant was fucking stupid. I stood in it for 25 min, 7 people in front of me and 10 behind and it didnt move once. I didnt need those pants that bad.


Friday, November 01, 2002

Lunchtime again back to the bottom 50 of the Top 100:

51. I like honey in my tea.

52. I dont vote Republican

53. I have never been to New Hampshire

54. I can name all the states in the USA in alphabetical order

55. I am easily frustrated when stuff does'nt work

56. I do not like Microwave popcorn

57. I am in 1st place in both my fantasy football leagues this year (knock wood).

58. I shut my finger in my dad's car door in the 4th grade and passed out from the blood loss

59. I love throwing bowls and pots on the wheel, ceramics is my thing.

60. I can center 5 lbs of clay to make a pot (a pretty big deal!)

61. I have a friend who is running in the NYC Marathon on Sunday-Go Craig!

62. I hate microwave popcorn

63. I have a lousy shortterm memory.

64. My favorite Tom Hanks movie is "Joe vs. The Volcano

65.My work has paid to send me on Trips to New York City and Pitsburgh, PA. They will also have to pay to send me to Florida, Philly and Michigan later this year!

66. I have testified in court.

67. I have only gotten one speeding ticket in my life.

68. I do not own a garlic press (much as I need one!)

69. I have a mailing list for my favorite band "The Gufs" which has over 10,000 people on it.

70. My favorite Iron Chef is Chen Kenichi

71. I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I am.

72. My dad knows how to braid hair & cook!

73. My family lives next door to an ex-governor of Wisconsin

74. I know Ron Dayne personally, he once bought (ie: got for free) me a pair of birkenstocks.

75. I am always sick

only 25 more to go whoo hoo!

Morning Morning time, its time to rise and shine so get your sleepy head out of your dirty bed.

Today will suck at work. Today is report day. I hate report day. Report day always provides me with at least one headache and 4-5 papercuts. last night dale and I went out to dinner with my in-laws to the Water Street Brewery in Delefield, WI Waterstreetbrewery Usually I enjoy eating there (they have fab homemade rootbeer) last night my meal was just, blah. It was a blackened chicken taco salad and for some reason, it just wasnt appitizing. I'm glad we ordered the 'bloomin' onion as an appitizer.

I think I am not enjoying the eating out thing because I eat out so much that all the menu items just kind of look the same and seem to blend into one another....

Today is "treat day" at work and the treats arent here yet..Hunger calls I need to go scrounge up breakfast.


Thursday, October 31, 2002

ok, I have time, I now begin my 100 days 100 blogs list of 100 things about mary:


1. I am 25 years old.

2. I am married.

3. Iam allergic to cats and pennicilin

4. I own a cat, her name is zazi

5. My favorite book is "A Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving

6. One of my favorite directors is Wes Anderson (he did Rushmore & The Royal Tennenbaums)

7. My dad is a music teacher

8. My mom has worked for the same company for over 30 years.

9. I sue people for a living

10. I am one of 4 "Marys" at my workplace

11. I drive a black truck, I used to drive a black Jetta

12. I workout at the gym 3-4 times a week

13. My favorite video game is Final Fantasy

14. My all time favorite CD is the foo fighers "the color and the shape"

15. My favorite Beatle is Ringo

16. My favorite movie of all time is "all about eve."

17. The best season of the year is Fall

18. If I could live anywhere in Wisconsin I would live in Appleton

19. The worlds best store ever is Pottery Barn

20. I use a fountain pen

21. I still wear swatches

22. I already know the names of the children I plan to have with my husband.

23. I use far too much chapstick

24. I love to take pictures with my digital camera

25. I went to Alaska for my honeymoon

26. I was married on a holiday, Groundhog Day

27. The friend that lives the farthest away from me is Mike-Wakayama, Japan

28. The friend that lives closest to me lives in my house, Dale.

29. I have never broken a bone

30. I still have my appendix

31. My favorite website is half.com

32. My favorite color is Purple

33. I have never been out of the county

34. I don't like Seinfeld

35. The Simpsons is the best show on TV now

36. My favorite shows are "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", & "Gilmore Girls."

37. The best TV shows of all time are "Twin Peaks" and "The Muppet Show."

38. I have seen Barry Manilow in Concert

39. I have seen Arrowsmith in concert with Jackyl (16th row center!)

40. I don't know what my natural hair color is

41. I don't take out the garbage in our house.

42. I just started doing cross stich and have been making gifts for my family and friends.

43. I hang up on telemarketers

44. I have 3 email accounts

45. I have a list of every book I have read (title, author, and number of pages) for the past 5 years, my father has a list from the past 30+ years.

46. I spend too much money every month on books.

47.I have 9 piercings

48. My eyes are hazel and they turn kermit the frog green when I cry or am allergic to something.

49. I eat meat, I won't eat veal or shellfish or crab.

50. My favorite restaurant is Jalisco's, I order the same dish every time I go there. I have ordered the same dish everytime for the past 7 years.

Thats enough for today (as my break is over) look for 50 more in the future.


At work today, today is my work at home day (I work at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays) but my boss threw a fit and here i am, at work!!!

It could be worse I guess, I could be out of work.

I had a lousy night last night. I had to write the worlds longest email to someone and it was one of those painful emails to write. "dear john" letters are easier than that was. That has left me in a pretty glum and grim mood-great way to start Halloween

I plan on doing the 100days 100 blogs thingy, where you list 100 things about yourself. I was thinking of 100 things last night in bed, it put me right to sleep, better than counting sheep. My quandry is, does that mean I am boring?

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

2nd post of the day, during my smoke break at work. (don't actually smoke but since everyone else does I use the break {If I take one} to surf the net or whatever). My boss has left for the AM to go watch the CEO of the business speak about the business (i.e. to get face time with someone who won't remember his name 10 minutes from now) so that leaves me blissfully unobserved and able to accomplish my job without interruptions. For thsoe who don't know, I have the joy of sitting outside my boss' door, always fun fun happy time for good ole mary. This weekend is shaping up to be mighty busy...Friday nite is MechWarrior down at Napoleons-I'm bringing my camera this week, hope to get a few neat pictures: I'm sure we will all head out and grab a burger or pizza after the event.

For those friends NOT in the know, MechWarrior is basically a bunch of little robots and infantrymen and tanks and stuff on a 36 x 36 board running around shooting at each other (as you can imagine I am the only girl who plays-although there is another wife who played last week at a different event) and trying to win prizes (other robots and tanks or whatever). Dale is pretty good (he is ranked in the world-checkout www.wizkidsgames.com and search for Dalemite!) and I am less than that, but it beats sitting around at home on Friday nite-plus its nice to hang with Muench, Jeff, Mikey and co...

Anywho..Its getting close to my vacation time from work (as in 21 days and counting!) and I am off to San Antonio, TX to visit Dylan & Dan Peden WHOOO HOO!!! I have been told by numerous people I need to check out the Riverwalk when I am down there. Dylan tells me I need to pee on the Alamo (didnt Ozzy do that?) which I feel might be a wee bit impossible. I'm not planning on renting a car (although I might do that for 1 or 2 days just to tool around) so I am at the mercy of the boys. I think that they have a pool so I expect to be sitting in front of it reading in the sun as much as I can, I think I might need an extra suitcase just for books. If anyone has any other ideas for stuff I need to visit while in San Antonio email me at home zazi@charter.net.

The break is almost over, I'm debating on if I want to pay 15.00$ a year to be able to post pictures here (I guess the answer would be yes, but I would have to make sure people actually visited the page before I spend $ to post a bunch of snaps!

See everyone later!

Morning world, first post, at work before I actually start, eating oatmeal and listening to the stereophonics cover sinead o'conner covering prince doing "nothing compares 2 u." Its been a busy week at work (and its only wed)...I've been trying to recover from last weeks trip to NYC (as soon as I figure out how to add pictures Ill post a few from my two and 1/2 day adventure to the East Coast). Its time to finish with the food and shuffle off to the workfarse. -**mary