Tuesday, July 18, 2006

no gnus is good gnus

All my news is about other people today it seems...laura is back from j-burg in S.Africa..her visa issues resolved (fight the power sister, i got your letter today...one coming back at cha!), Ryan and Andrea may be on a TV show (thats unreal), my kids got to see the world's lamest puppet show today at daycare (of which I also got to partake), I have a cold in my nose and its crap. We are now NOT infested with ants but have seemed to replace ants with earwigs (thank you ryan for the help with that)...one of which was IN MY FUCKING COFFEE MAKER LAST NIGHT AND I NOW HAVE TO BOIL THE G-DAMN COFFEE MAKER BUT IN ALL REALITY I NEVER WANT TO USE IT AGAIN! AGHGHGAHGAHAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant stop sneezing (which is making me miserable)...honestly I shouldnt even be posting..i feel like shit.

This weekend pool party for Wyn Steng...Wauk. Cty Fair and I hope, finishing sand coat in bathroom
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