Friday, July 14, 2006

i forgot? i think?

Man this is a messed up week. My schedule is all thrown off because
of those two days off we had on Monday and Tuesday…Tonight is my late
night and Sally is here supervising…which should be weird (I guess
Chris is going to Summerfest). Today I had an appointment this
morning (which went well) ran into someone I used to work with (she
lost 30 lbs and cut her hair off..she looks great) and forgot to put
deodorant on one arm (no idea what the hell make me miss that) so I
have to go buy some at lunch so I don't partially stink. Last night
we watched Syriana (and I still have no idea what it was all about…)
and I watched part of "The Talented Mr. Ripley" this morning (man is
Jude Law smokin' hot in that film.) Ryan suggested I rent Saw II
which is funny because I rented Saw I, never watched it, and returned
it….it just didn't interest me that much (even with Cary Elwes).

Last night Mya must have had a MONSTER of a pee because about 2:30 am
Dale wakes me up and I have to change her sheets (which is impossible
at that hour without waking the other twin up…) and she pretty much
slept like crap until 5:30 when we all got up…and was cranky from that
point on.. They had no accidents yesterday at daycare and are doing
really good in their new room.

We were invited to a birthday party
for a son of a guy Dale when to high school with who's parents live
next door to my Aunt and Uncle (small world) and we are heading to the
zoo next week on Tuesday night!

Mail me!