Monday, May 23, 2005


Thursday night I went to my MIL rummage pre-sale, made out like a bandito! I got a Step 2 Wagon (green) for $10.00, (it retails for $70.)) a Fisher Price HUGE Kitchen set for $20.00 and a Little Tykes Table for $15.00, I had to borrow Toni's SUV to pick it all up! I also got a solid Oak rocker for the girls for $5.00. Then Friday Toni found a sandbox (huge) for $10.00 and a Little Tykes Fridge for $7.00 full of fake food etc.. I hit a few sales on Saturday and got a snowsuit for Malinda for $2.00, a PILE of clothes from a lady down the street for $10.00, plus a Little People Train set for the kids ($2.00). The kids went yakko Bonkers over all the new toys. I think I also got a few puzzles for 10 cents each (they are really cute) and a little Tykes dump truck. It was a great haul weekend for rummage sale-ing.
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