Friday, February 03, 2006

The mail is insane. I sent postcards from Mexico to a few people including myself. I got an email yesterday from Laura, in WESTERN KENYA (AFRICA!) got her postcard before anyone in the states. What does that say about the US Mail? Mexico can deliver mail faster to a country literally half way around the world, then to the neighbor next door??

On that note, for those that are interested, Laura writes:

Allcontinues to treat me well here... a surprisingly easy transition allthings considered (Africa, poverty, dispair, etc). Guess that means Iwas ready for the move, that the timing was right, and that everythingis working out as it's meant to. The nuns call it providence... and Ithink whatever you call it I'm meant to be here right now.

Yesterday I took a child to the hospital 2 hrs away in Eldoret. (NEof us). The child is 3 yrs old, has Downs Syndrome, and is alsohydrocephalic (giant head since the brain can't drain fluids). Wediscovered today in the ultrasound of her heart that she also has ahole in her heart and will need open heart surgery. Many of the womenhere, if they're lucky enough to get jobs, will only earn 12,000 Kshper year. (less than $0.50 a day).

The open heart surgery alone willcost 300,000 Ksh, and then she'll need additional surgeries sinceshe's hydrocephalic. Like I said before, it's very intense work forme and the rest of the staff, and very bleak for the families. Thispart of Western Kenya is very rural and very, very, very poor. TodayI'm looking forward to paperwork... much less bleak or intense.

You can keep up with Laura’s trip at her new blog

Last nite Dale and I had a nice Dinner out in Oconomowoc (we had a coupon) at Todd’s Steakhouse and Grille. Had a couple of NY Strips…tasty (and leftovers for lunch today!) We then hit the shoe store for new shoes for Dale (he really likes Sketchers) as his were completely falling apart.

Managed to get shoes for him, boots for me and a pair of Doc Martins (for me) that were on sale for 75% off (so 100.00 shoes for 25.00!)-whoopie!....Went home, checked computer, talked to Robin and hit the sack early….and also slept in late (5:45 lucky me!)

Today I may leave a wee bit early (once again the evil “no one has overtime and we would really appreciate if you would just not work at all…for money that is-hits!), run to the hospital for the blood check tonight, and use some of the anniversary gift from my mom (25 packets of scrapbooking embellishments…!)

I got 2 pairs of diamond earrings from Dale…now I have 8 diamonds in my ears…my 4th hole in my right ear closed up, so I am debating whether or not to get it repierced or go with 4 holes in my left and 1 up top and 3 in my right…..

Saturday is the puppet show @ Betty Brinn with the kids, Sunday is the Superb-owl. (don’t want the NFL suing me or anything).

There is a guy at work (and Ryan may know who I am talking about) who has what I consider (and its only a personal quirk) to be an annoying as hell habit of speech. He constantly says your name when he’s talking to you…as in “well you know Mary, and the thing is Mary.” I figure I know my name and I know you know my name, you don’t need to keep repeating my name. arg.
Mail me!