Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Went to the doctor yesterday, I guess I'm almost 3 cm dialated or something. I actually saw my doctor (i guess my nurse lady was overbooked and my doctor wanted to see me) she stripped my membranes and was all giddy "wouldnt it be great if you could deliver today or tomorrow, because I'm on call!" I was speechless as last week she was all "we can't possibly do anything to speed this up for you."

Then she sd, well if you don't deliver by the 27th (my next appt) lets talk about inducing you!! What-the-hell???

The stripping my membranes didnt really do anything for me, I was slightly crampy last night but no biggie....Watched ELF with Dale (it was pretty funny) and one ep of Monk on DVD.

The girls were insane when I got home, they were running around the upstairs screaming and eating cookies. It was a bit overwhelming!

My last day at work is tomorrow and I seriously can not wait, I'm sick of walking down here every day.
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