Thursday, December 09, 2004

So we fixed everything at daycare. I had a long chat with the center director who assured me that the stupid fat chick taking care (ha!) of the girls is just a floater and she has been talked to about what happened. I guess their new regular teacher was pretty upset with the floater too because she didnt want to change anyones diapers! Gina (thats the director) said she appreciated that i told her there was a problem I felt better about it I guess.

I assume she had a nice day yesterday as I didnt pick her up, Toni did.

Mya was cranky last night and didnt want dinner but she did have a nice bath. Dale and I watched "The Bourne Supremecy" which I thought was very good. I went to bed after South Park and pretty much passed out. I also fell asleep in the car this morning in the parking lot listening to Bob and Brian. If I can't stay awake I'll head over to my aunts condo and sleep for a few hours.
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