Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Anyways...back in the saddle again...Kids ate, went to west to see the band and now at home. Dale ginked his neck hitting balls so hes out of comission. Our internet has been slooooooooooooooooooow the past 2 days, WTF?

So back to the main rant (scroll down to begin) it is amazing to me how many people stumble over this crap and get bent about it...I certainly never give what I write (which is mostly drivel anyways) another thought after I put it down here...oh well..if J/B/MR are pissy about the posts I guess they could always poundsand and rail at the heavens, lord knows I dont care enough...

No more rabbit sightings, although we saw some interesting hawks on the way home from Marching Band...they were being mobbed (thanks ryan) by robins.
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