Wednesday, September 14, 2005


last night we had a doozy of a storm, 50-75mph sustained winds and much much rain. Our house is on a corner and the street next to our house is the low spot for the area, when it rains like hell, the street floods up to and over the curb and onto the sidewalk. Last night we had fun watching the cars (stupid) drive through all this water (dumbasses) the only smart guy to NOT go through this huge flooded area was the guy in the red corvette, he turned his car around and went the other way!

As I was downstairs with dale and owen watching the storm come up I said "I hope the tree out front doesnt fall over on our cars, that would suck?" (do you think you can see where this is headed?)

About 10 min later I hear a big crack and run upstairs, our birch tree in the front yard had a branch which broke off about 3 feet from my car ( i took a picture of it with my cell phone)-crisis averted. Dale told me not to speak about trees falling on the cars and tempt fate anymore (done and done)

There were LOTS of branches down and a front end loader came by and cleaned up our street around 9pm....

Had Saki-Tumi for lunch today (last time :( ) and stopped in Downtown Books (last time :( ) and met with my boss (last time) and no idea what Ill do tomorrow, prob squat.
Mail me!