Wednesday, November 26, 2008

its been an odd week, i was off monday, worked yesterday and today, dont work thursday and work a 1/2 day on friday. its like i didnt work at all...

ive been a slug this week due to snow and vacation & slow kids in the AM i havent hit the gym since last week. tomorrow morning, we are so going with the kids. thanksgiving is at my folks place. the kids are sleeping over tomorrow night, so i get to run into Kohls at 7 am and see if anything looks interesting enough to buy...friday night- 0 plans....most likely x files season 3 (crap the cat is puking on the floor...fucking cat)...saturday the inlaws are watching the kids, dale and i are eating at Mr B's (thanks to kevin for the certificate) and staying at a hotel to celebrate his 34th birthday...sunday emily coming over for a playdate and watching the football...

monday for the birthday (32) i went and saw Twilight (meh, but r. pat was cute and all...or something...) then snuck in and watched Zach and Miri make a porno...funny...not clerks 2 funny, but funny. the movie made even better by the editorial comments of the guy and gal behind me...example: "oh no, she aint gonna show her titties......OH Dayum, she showed them titties."

weekly entertainment recap:
reading: the mercedes coffin-faye kellerman
1000 recordings to hear before you die

listening: The Beautiful Girls "la mar"

watching "xfiles: season 3" House (awesome supersized epi. this week), Pushing Daisies, Chuck, Top Chef, The Notebook

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