Monday, November 10, 2008

epic fucking fail
so i get home tonight, go about my normal making dinner, looking through backpacks, reading the paper, etc... and dale gets home etc.... then i walk back to my bedroom and water drops on my head from the ceiling.
the ceiling under the air intake vent is dripping water down on my new hardwood floor...not good since-long time readers will remember-the ceiling caved in due to the FUCKING AIR CONDITIONER this summer. so I make dale go up in the attic and poke around while I call the guys that put it in basically demanding Jay call me to figure this out or come over and FIGURE OUT WHY I ONCE AGAIN HAVE WATER IN MY CEILING COMING DOWN ON MY HEAD!

dale talks to the guy for 15 minutes, (no small feat as dale hates the phone) and closes all the vents in the walls and runs our dehumidifier...i guess our house is just extra humid or something, i dunno. this whole thing makes me so irritated and annoyed. At least it didnt cost me anything and nothing has collapsed, this time.

work was sad again today...I am on dead client number 18 for the year and the 2nd in less than a week. sucks when the clients die and you have to talk their family members through the MOUNTAIN of paperwork being dead and having money entails. It's endless...and the more money you have, the more paperwork it takes to get your $$ to the people who you said should get it...and god forbid you leave it to like 76 different of our clients left her entire fortune to her church, her entire 5.6 million dollars. this little tiny church whose largest gift prior to that was less than 100k...I say that the church just got paid...eek. thankfully they are leaving the money at the firm.

the cold is not getting better...if chaba reads this, it is much like the awful cold I had freshman year. Dale said I was sitting straight up in bed last night coughing in my sleep...i dont remember that one.

i dont feel bad, i just cough a lot...and have used up like 900 boxes of kleenex blowing my nose.

this week is shaping up to be slow and steady and uneventful. that is awesome..

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