Monday, June 12, 2006

oh no no no!

Its Monday again and I am recovering from my weekend. The kids were not listening A LOT this weekend and we had a lot of biting, fighting, and wresting. Friday we took the kids to my brother's baseball game. His team won, but pretty much by the seat of their pants. West was up 6-0 in the 1st, then they got complacent and boneheaded and when we left North hit a Grand Slam, then got two more right after that. This is the point where we left because it was rainy and cold.

My mom called me said it went into extra innings and my brothers team won 11-10. whoopee! My dad had to announce the Varsity game and said it was horrible as it was cold, windy and rainy the whole time. He was glad I left our blanket with him!

Saturday we went to Madison to the farmers market around the capitol. They have the cows on parade out all around the city and the kids liked seeing all of them. Owen in particular kept yelling "Cow! Cow!" and pointing. We did a lot of fresh veggie shopping. I got some breads, a loaf of Cinnimon Rasin bread from Stella Bakery (and sadly their famous Hot Spicy Cheese bread was all out). Dale said we should be ironic and get the girls and boy Planned Parenthood balloons again, but sadly they weren't on the square…We also bought cheese curds and had about 1000 samples of cheeses. Yum.

Dale went to the Brewer's game that night with work and had fun watching the Brewers pull out a 4-3 win. The kids went insane when he left and were mad at bedtime as Dale usually reads to them and they were not happy with Mommy's rendition of "Give You Give Moose a Muffin" & "Do You Have a Mother Too?" It was a not a happy bedtime at our house. Dale got home later and their was a huge accident on 94 and HWY G. If I wouldn't have asked him to pick up sour cream from Pick N Save he said he would have been sitting there for hours waiting to exit the freeway.

Sunday was a lazy day. I couldn't get started to save my life. I made a Sour Cream Oven omlette (total yum) which took about 45 min to get done…but it was super good. That being said, I wont be making it again any time soon—took too long! We spent most of the morning lazing around. We took the kids out for a Car wash (owen fell asleep) and we had to run to Pick N Save and buy some floor wipes and the girls and I bought some ham and rolls for lunch.

My mom was taking the kids in the afternoon as Nick was coming over to rip down a wall and fix the bathroom. I took Owen to get pictures taken at Memory Junction by this company that dresses the kids up in these Victorian/Old Tyme-y costumes and then hand colors the pictures. If you paid $10.00 you got a gift certificate to the store and the photos…so what the heck. Owen wouldn't smile because he was too interested in the toys/props they had.

The photographer's assistant was trying squeaky toys, feather dusters etc… to get him to look up, but as I explained, this kid has a single minded focus…if you tell him "put the marbles in the truck" he is gonna sit and do that all day. I bought a few things and took the kids over to my moms. They then took them to a graduation party.

Nick (who is a supervisor at work and a handyman on the weekends) came over to help out with our house issues. He fixed the air conditioning drain…re-routed to the side of the house so that it doesn't drip down on our foundation. This is great! So then he opened up the basement wall. (As I may have mentioned, we have some wet wall in our corner of the basement which has been not flooding the house, but has been damp when it rains and this ant problem of ants coming in the house through the squishy wall…) So he opens up about a 3 foot section of the drywall right under our outside spigot. During all this I am sitting on my new computer (more on that later) working. I hear "oh oh." So I'm afraid to turn around to look.

Nick says that he has good news and bad news: The good news is the moisture barrier over the insulation has kept the moisture in for 30 yrs. The bad news is that the 2 studs (which were 2x2's ) about I would say 3 feet apart are completely gone…rotted away to nothing but nails. Yuck! Then when he pulled off the insulation (totally gross and smelly!) the cement block was soaking wet and gross & our drywall was all moldy (ugg!).

Nick said the good news was that he can fix that. We need to let the wall dry out (obviously) and then Nick will come back and bleach the cement to make sure he kills any mold and bacteria. He can replace the 2x2's with 2x4's and then reinsulated and moisture barrier the wall. He is also going to seal the drainpipe area to prevent water and ants from getting in the house. Then he can redrywall and we can repaint the basement wall (not what I am looking forward to!).

Nick also went in and scrapped my bathroom down to the wallboard and is coming over ON THE 17TH to do the skim coat! If I was happier about this, I would burst! (my creamy sunshine yellow paint with pearlescent white for sponging hanging in the garage!) I will have a fixed up bathroom, a fixed up basement and a much happier me.

That being said, next home improvement project will have to use the equity line on the house=windows being replaced!

The kids came home and were interested in what Nick was doing in the bathroom (as much loud scraping was heard.) We did our nighttime stuff (watched movies etc…) and I did some scrapbooking, did some cross stitch, did some fixing of the itunes and did an hour of Diablo II with Dale (got Khalim's heart and brain).

This weekend it was also 3 movies from Netflix: Chronicles of Narnia (boring…I hated the books too, never could get past book one), "Inside the Secret World of Harry Potter" a documentary narrated by Hugh Laurie, and "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" (which I didn't get to watch). I am not sure what is next in my queue…I think "Underworld Evolution" and "Rabbit Proof Fence" (recommended by Ryan).

Over the weekend I finished "The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" (pulitizer prize winning novel, and like all other PP winners, it was dense and wordy), I also brushed off "Undead and Unreturnable" the new MaryJanice Davidson and I started "The Stolen Child" which is pretty interesting so far.

This week we are quite busy with running around and whatnot. I have to pick up pictures on Wednesday and run around doing other stuff…arg

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