Thursday, October 07, 2004

Found the cat. We put her litter box outside in the backyard Tues. night and when I got home yesterday something had used the litterbox. So we went on a full scale search. We found a black and white stray (which has been roaming the neighborhood for a few weeks) and also our cat. She was hiding under my neighbors (directly next door) house. They have kind of this overhang hidden behind some plants and "ding ding ding" we had a winner...frightened dirty kitty. She of course didnt want to come out and we had to poke her with the broom/pull her out by her paws.

After a long bath (she was filthy) and a pet she was VERY happy to be home with us and spent most of the night purring at our feet/heads.

Watched Eurotrip last night and enjoyed it, plan on watching F 9/11 tonight (which Dale wil not be as he is a Bushie).
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