Thursday, August 14, 2003

Today is dr's appt 987 for the week, or something. Im losing track. Im also increasingly unpleasant at the hospital. I can't tell you how annoying it is to answer the following questions 7000 times a day:
1. How are you? "Im fine."
2. Is the daddy to be excited about the babies? "yes, hes thrilled"
3. And are we having any problems? "no more problems than the ones i had two days ago?"
4. And do we know the sex of the babies? "yes girls"
5. And what names do you have picked out? "i cant tell you?"
6. Why? "because we arent telling anyone"
7. Does this hurt? "no it feels FANTASTIC"
8. Aren't you happy to be doing this test? "no, i hate having to come up here every other day and sit to get monitored when there is absolutely nothing wrong with the kids, plus it hurts to walk and I have to trudge halfway through the hospital to get here to be tested when there is nothing wrong."
9. But dont you just LOVE being reassured about their wellbeing? "i love being able to sit at home and relax and sleep vs getting all 3 of us stressed out by walking in here."
10. And do you know which way the babies are facing? "yes head down. theyve always been head down"
11. Are you doing to deliver vaginally "no, i plan on pushing them out through my ears."

Honestly to you it may seem silly that all that pisses me off, but imagine that everytime you go somewhere you have to answer the same 15 questions to a new person and then repeat the process with coworkers, the checkout girl at the sentry store, that guy over there. Its enough to make me plotz. The only one that doesnt bother me with questions is my cat, all she does is sleep all day. Lucky cat.