Owen has seemed to turn the corner (?) with the poop, he's still runny, but we havent had to change his outfit overnight which is good-whoo hoo. Although he did projectile vomit on me last night.
Dale got his new computer built and working. Its a super duper small case and everything is tiny. If you ever saw his old case (like 18 feet tall) this one is about 24 inches by 6inches (maybe) and black. I finally caved and updated from Win 95 to Win 2000, I've been fighting dale on that for years, Im reasonably sure that 95 has been on my box since Lemarbre built the thing, but i could be wrong....I think Dale is running XP with the service pack already in it. He's super happy with the thing, I'm a bit bummed as I had to remove by Zip Drive, but I got a CD burner so thats good, I can always plug in the external zip If i need it.
Watched "Alfie" last night. Jude Law is silly hot. The movie was pretty "eh" (the org. Alfie was better) but I pretty much zoned out on the movie and just watched Jude Law with Owen. Jude Law makes owen vomit.
Tonight I have "Closer" on dvd and Im pretty sure Disc 6 of deadwood is coming in the mail.
I-Tunes of the day: Copacabana, Barry Manilow, Vulnerable-Juanes, & Sorta Fairytale-Tori Amos.
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