Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Lets see what did I do this weekend. Thursday night I cant remember, Im pretty sure I watched ER. Friday dale had off for Good Friday so we took the kids to Denny's as a treat for breakfast, they did well. I always feel bad taking the whole gang out as I'm sure the waitstaff fight over who doesnt get to serve us, but the kids were pretty clean and well behaved. I left like a 25% tip so I'm sure that was covered karma wise. Friday afternoon we went to Toni's, we took pictures of Owen at Mayfair (very cute) and then went home late---early saturday morning around 2am Dale noticed Owens eye was all red....thus starts my disease saga.....

Saturday his eye looks like hell, 100% red, no whites, and puffy....so we call the dr and get him in, we see Dr. Ostendorf (who is not our Dr.) and start our "Reynolds Visit" (and kristie when you read this know I mean this in the best way possible, I just felt like you do when you dont get to see dr biebel!) with dr. o. 1st off he has a double ear infection which just started so we get antibiotics for that, as for his eye "dont worry about it, if it doesnt go away by monday come back, no i dont know what that is." "Youll need to send him to an eye dr." OK.

We get his antibiotics and dose him up, then saturday afternoon all hell breaks loose (literally) as Owen just starts "peeing out his bum" as it were, we have been dealing with explosive watery messy diarehha since saturday afternoon, I mean its every 30 min, soaks 2 diapers and his clothes, and the bouncy chair and the pillows and his parents...WTF? Also the eye is not better....

Sunday is Easter and Owen spent the whole day, THE WHOLE DAY, crying and eating every 30 min and pooping like mad. If I had 2 hours of sleep I think that was lucky? The girls had fun hunting for easter eggs, then dumping out the eggs, then hunting for them again....Owen cried and pooped, and pooped, and drank formula and pedialyte and pooped. I think I got a 30 min nap during one of the BB games, I dont really remember.

Ate Ham. No one called me a fucking cunt (unlike shannons eventful easter!)

So Dale and I decide we cant take owen to daycare pooping with this huge red eye, so I stay home yesterday to take him back to the dr.

2nd Dr. Visit this time with dr biebel. Looks at his ears, yes has ear infection but its not very bad so we caught it in time...On Saturday he weighed 12 lbs 6 oz now he weighs 11 lbs 15.5 oz, so he lost weight. The eye is....wait for it, wait for it...."so do the girls like to touch owen's eyes?" me-"they like to touch everything on him, we are pretty careful about them poking him, why?" dr b-"oh thats just a suboccular hematoma (laymans speak-someone poked him in the eye and hes bruised) it will clear up in 2-3 weeks, no biggie"

Now why the fuck would dr ostendorf tell me i need an eye dr and my regular doctor says, no biggie its ok.. I fucking hate all dr's who are not dr biebel--this seems to happen to the reynolds' when they cant see dr biebel...the man is god.

as for the poop, Owen is really lactose intolerant and the poops are the lactose not "binding" and just shooting through his system-we switched formula and it should clear up. Although it hasnt yet, and he crapped all over Rachel at daycare, as she said "it just came shooting out!"

Monday I also dropped 150.00 to fix the garage door. Nice. Yoga Monday night, fucked up my neck-swell. This morning everyone peed or pooped through their diapers. Parenthood is craptacular, I highly recommend it.

I am taking myself to Borders this afternoon and buying myself a book, I earned it....so here I am 78 diapers later, with a sore neck and the potential for a new book. Yea Me.

Hi Robin.
Mail me!