Last night my parents took Owen to his 1st band concert, Mya didnt want to sleep and screamed for an hour and Dale and I had to rock her for an hour after that, then she woke up at 2am and cried for an hour...needless to say with me taking the 1st Owen shift and Mya I didnt sleep much.
Malinda now says Mya's name. She runs around saying "Mya, Mya" and then poking her sister. She can also say "DEBBIE, TONI, MATT & LILLY" (lilly is the other girl at daycare, she bit Mya on Tuesday)
I am trying to get to westwood tonight if I can...
I managed to upload another 20 songs onto my IPOD and I purchased a live version of Ben Folds doing "brick." I now have 78 songs on the pod and like space for 400+ more (I think). I am pretty sure I am addicted to my new toy.
Well wished go out to Laura who is helping to care for her sick granddad (get well soon granddad!), Breezy who is getting pumped for spring break this weekend, My sister in law who may or may not make it out to see us next week (we told the girls you might come visit and Malinda clapped..), Auntie V for the cute picture of Owen (thanks for being his godmom), and Shannon who started her workout program at westwood (go Shannon!)
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