I guess thats not entirely true as I've found out in the last month or so. I guess people I never even thought that either A: Knew how to use a computer, B: Knew my blog existed or C: Gave a rats ass about my life anymore since they are so wrapped up in their own- are logging on and reading the blog. Apparantly this can cause problems in my life and other people's lives if they don't approve of, like, or agree with the content of the blog-or if I say something offensive (which I almost always seem to do, motherhood has not tempered this)
I mean how should I know or even guess that someone from Middle school who I knew like 15 years ago is reading the blog and a comment I made on here pissed them off? Or I upset someone close to me with an offhand remark that I made without thinking it through? Can you even predict those kinds of situations, should you have to? And yes, I can hear the argument out in the air "you should have known better or you should have used your head, that lump 3 feet above your ass," I find my greatest fault is that I do not know better and I never seem to use the lump 3 feet above my ass when I should.
I do have a very very private and embedded blog on blogger.com. I rarely post to it and it is not published in the bloggisphere at large. I'm honesly considering transfering this blog to that archtype giving access only to Shannon, Julie F-M, Kristie, Laura, Vanessa, & maybe one other person (ok and you too Minik)...I'm reasonably sure that those people won't be pissed off or hurt by anything I say here and I don't have to 1: Edit myself (I find that impossible, I dont think I got that "gene" from either of my parents) 2: Second guess myself (a thing I do way too much, and usually the 2nd guess is the wrong guess) and 3: sit up nights worrying about what I just posted or feeling bad when i failed to do #1 & #2.
My main bitch about today- is that people who I know in my heart of hearts don't care about me & mine anymore (if they ever did) get to read my inner thoughts unfettered and with no restrictions on their access. You can know who you are; if you are someone reading this who hasnt spoken to me via phone, email, snail mail, smoke signals, through an intermediary, or in person in the last, I dunno, 6 weeks-This means you generally ARE NOT WELCOME HERE
If you are reading the donkeyblog because you do care about me and mine, that's a different story, I guess I'm happy you're here (those people would include, but not be limited to: all members of my immediate and extended family, those people named above, and Kristilynn (who only ever visits when I tell her to look at a picture of the kids)) and the comments above are not directed at you.
If you are pissed off by a comment I've made here, I'd appreciate that you don't call/email my husband bitching about it, don't call a 3rd party and have them call me complaining-you can just email me direct or post a comment on here or call me yourself. Its not anyone's job to defend me to you(s), its mine. Hell this blog even allows for anon. posting as long as you register with blogger, you dont even have to put your name. If a member of my family can call me on the phone and take me to task on my postings, you can find the balls to do the same and not send someone else to do it, and you don't have to hurt someones feelings by making them upset at a post they may or may not have seen today, you can come hurt mine.
The yoga homework for the week was taking stock of things we regret and letting them go (to expand consiousness and bring love into the world or whatever-yadda yadda new age crap)-however I did do the home work and realized I only have a handfull of regrets: 1. I regret the period from November 94-May 05. It was way uncalled for and I shouldnt have acted in the mannor that I did.
2. I regret paying the stupid NY J.A.P girls their 800.00 security deposit for the Apt. on Langdon because their lawyer daddy decided not to give it back, even though the "damage" was not done by us. I should have just stopped payment on the check.
3. I regret bringing up an unfounded concern that hurt the feelings' of someone in my family.
4. I regret hurting the feelings and unintentionally betraying the confidence of another person by assuming something I should not have assumed, I did make an ass out of U and ME both.
5. I also regret taking the wrong side in a dispute between two friends. I picked the wrong person to support, I should have backed you up and you were totally right, and usually you were always right. How was I to know you were a modern day Cassandra?
6. Latin Fieldtrip, Madison, WI 1993.
7. Intentionally left blank, its way too personal to type.
If you'd like to comment on the eventual privatization of the donkeyblog you may email me or make a comment, but thats the way I'm leaning.