Monday, December 29, 2003
Friday, December 26, 2003
now to blog the D&D site...
Mail me!
Thursday, December 25, 2003
Sunday, December 21, 2003
Mail me!
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Mail me!
Saturday, December 13, 2003
the girls are 10 lbs 6 oz (mal) and 9 lbs 14 oz (mya)
Mail me!
Thursday, December 11, 2003
Mail me!
Your Results:
1. Your ideal theoretical candidate. (100%) Click here for info
2. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH - Democrat (73%) Click here for info
3. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (73%) Click here for info
4. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (66%) Click here for info
5. Gephardt, Rep. Dick, MO - Democrat (62%) Click here for info
6. Clark, Retired General Wesley K., AR - Democrat (60%) Click here for info
7. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (56%) Click here for info
8. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (52%) Click here for info
9. Libertarian Candidate (45%) Click here for info
10. Lieberman, Senator Joe, CT - Democrat (35%) Click here for info
11. Moseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol, IL - Democrat (34%) Click here for info
12. LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr. - Democrat (26%) Click here for info
13. Bush, President George W. - Republican (18%) Click here for info
14. Phillips, Howard - Constitution (14%) Click here for info
as my husband always said, I am a flaming liberal....
Mail me!
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Mail me!
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Mail me!
Mail me!
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Apparantly on the other side of the job front Dale got his review and his raise which was excellent but the company doesnt believe in giving huge % raises. I think the whole company will quit and form their own consulting firm, then they can do the same work but get paid the "consultant" rate.
Have you made your nationstate yet? Check out my nationstate at DARLIN
Monday, December 01, 2003
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Mail me!
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Mail me!
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Mail me!
Monday, November 24, 2003
Wanna steal my code for it? Let me know, happy to share!
Mail me!
Mail me!
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Friday, November 21, 2003
The Baptism is sunday at st williams in waukesha at Noon. Lunch afterwards at the Poytingers all are welcome and invited! (hopefully V will show up with her camera!)
Mail me!
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Mail me!
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Friday, November 14, 2003
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Sunday, November 09, 2003
Friday, November 07, 2003
Thursday, November 06, 2003
Tonight is our 1st kid free night. Both girls sleeping at grandmas.
Monday, November 03, 2003
Sunday, November 02, 2003
laura this one is for you!
This place makes candy just for people like you with food allergies! Check out their webpage
Chocolate Emporium
14486 Cedar Road
South Euclid, OH 44121
Tel: (216) 382-0140
Fax: (216) 382-2161
Tel: (888) CHOCLAT
The Chocolate Emporium
Friday, October 31, 2003
Thursday, October 30, 2003
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
sunday is gaming over here,
Monday, October 27, 2003
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Saturday, October 25, 2003
This afternoon plan on reading EW and resting!
Thursday, October 23, 2003
The girls will be baptised on November 23rd at Noon at St Williams church. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Going back to work 11-3, picked a daycare, kids going to kindercare.
Did the MW thing tonight, dale won the fellowship and got a toy, hooray for him hey?
Today girls went to walmart to get photos done, the plus is we get a ton of pics for $3.88 each, the downside is its walmart so that means cheezy backgrounds etc...
Going to the dr on thursday, I have a thyroid condition(?) gotta get that checked out, more doctors, more pills.
This weekend, no plans since jeff cancled sundays game-a-thon, note to self, ask jeff if we should create a blog for the D&D game....
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Then Dale ditched me tonight to play MW so me and the crabby girls stayed home. Mya pooped herself all over so we had a bath and a change. Watched ER, read my US Weekly, comforted kids (endless comforting required), and took a break (now) once dale got home.
Now I have to give Malinda a bath, whoo hoo.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Monday, October 13, 2003
stopped into work to meet the new boss and to take alan to lunch, went to pedros pedros making mexican, girls puked all over everywhere and are now vibrating in their seats, dale is at the bike shop selling his cycle.
expect washer repair man to fix machine tomorrow am, wed dr appt and lunch from dad, thursday, mommy and me movie, intolerable crulity.
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Monday, October 06, 2003
Tomorrow we go to play MW sealed at Hobbytown, hope we get new figures for last month!
Friday, October 03, 2003
Laura will be here on sunday, all are welcome to come over monday and watch Monday nite football, and play the new munchkin set, clerial errors!
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Laura is going to be here Sunday night :) and all day Monday....Maybe we can take the girls and head down to Milwaukee to go eat yummy vegan/veggie food at Beans and Barley? Maybe Vanessa should meet us there (happy moving day Vanessa!), anyone is welcome to come over Monday night and hang out with us!
Monday, September 29, 2003
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Friday, September 19, 2003
Today we have no plans, since its like 50 degrees i dont think dale will be mowing the lawn, tonight we will most likely watch the friday night crap-a-rama on TV.
Tomorrow we are going to toni and freds for dinner and to see the great grandmas (and the new kitty)
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Monday, September 15, 2003
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Saturday, September 13, 2003
Thursday, September 11, 2003
this afternoon ill be lucky if i can get a nap in.
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Sunday, September 07, 2003
Dale has been super wonderful taking care of the poopers, plus our parents have been working the night shift. Fred and Toni are here right now. Its been great that everyone is helping since I can barely function myself. its totally miserable since i dont have any meds to remove the kidney stone, i just sit (lay) here and wait. totally bunk.
here are some more pictures of the kids, hopefully you like, we think they are cute. babies
in other news our neighbors stopped by with cinnamon bread which dale assured me was tasty. i wish i could eat it. i guess the plus of not eating is I am losing weight like crazy, the downside is my milk will be effected if i dont eat.
Saturday, September 06, 2003
Monday, September 01, 2003
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Monday, August 25, 2003
Happy Birthdays this week to matt and breezy, Happy anniversary to my in-laws, happy late birthday to my mom and robin and happy early birthday on the 2nd to Alan. Only 4 more days of Jim being employed at GE, i could plotz.
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Sunday, August 17, 2003
cool news is laura is coming from texas for a visit in October, she was emailing my old address and thought i was ignoring her! We got that all worked out...Ill have to try to get everyone together from the wedding to say hello, i believe shes here the 5th and 6th which is neat. i should stil be on leave...!
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Saturday we are going out to eat at PF Changs for her birthday. i have never eaten there but it is supposedly very tasty or something.
also major superbestest goodest news today, the lame ass boss at work, Jim, resigned as of Sept 1 to pursue opportunities elsewhere (vp at an associated bank branch) i will now be taking my money out of that bank and placing it elsewhere, the man could fuck up anything, he reminds me of all those saturday nite live skits where they play jeopardy, if you asked him to name a letter he would prob. tell you "f". the company only spent prob. 800-900k on this loser and its amazing he didnt get fired months ago. as i said to alan "krusty has come to save us and we are going to tiajunana" (had to be there), its quite possibly the best news I have had in months. now what am i going to bitch about?
1. How are you? "Im fine."
2. Is the daddy to be excited about the babies? "yes, hes thrilled"
3. And are we having any problems? "no more problems than the ones i had two days ago?"
4. And do we know the sex of the babies? "yes girls"
5. And what names do you have picked out? "i cant tell you?"
6. Why? "because we arent telling anyone"
7. Does this hurt? "no it feels FANTASTIC"
8. Aren't you happy to be doing this test? "no, i hate having to come up here every other day and sit to get monitored when there is absolutely nothing wrong with the kids, plus it hurts to walk and I have to trudge halfway through the hospital to get here to be tested when there is nothing wrong."
9. But dont you just LOVE being reassured about their wellbeing? "i love being able to sit at home and relax and sleep vs getting all 3 of us stressed out by walking in here."
10. And do you know which way the babies are facing? "yes head down. theyve always been head down"
11. Are you doing to deliver vaginally "no, i plan on pushing them out through my ears."
Honestly to you it may seem silly that all that pisses me off, but imagine that everytime you go somewhere you have to answer the same 15 questions to a new person and then repeat the process with coworkers, the checkout girl at the sentry store, that guy over there. Its enough to make me plotz. The only one that doesnt bother me with questions is my cat, all she does is sleep all day. Lucky cat.
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Friday, August 08, 2003
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Dale said his bosses boss Dirk (from Germany) has OK'd him getting set up to work from home if he needs to when the kids are born or if his Vertigo comes back. I think thats cool.
Had last (I hope) U/S yesterday. babies weigh 3 lbs 13oz each and are fine. We have a neat U/S picture of Baby #2's face, shes sucking her fingers/thumb..say it with me, awwww.
Friday, August 01, 2003
My children spend most of their time kicking me, the doctor estimates that they are between 4-5 lbs each, plus placentas and fluid which would account for most of the 42.5lbs I have gained. I'm spending most of my time damning my skin to hell as (some of my female breeder friends will find out) strech marks when they keep streching because you dont have any more skin left to stretch feel like sunburned scabbs that are being streched and pulled. it is the most painfully uncomfortable thing ever, and there is nothing i can do about it. Ill take morning sickness over this crap.
no big plans for this weekend, dale wants to play at lost worlds of wonders on saturday afternoon, my mom is coming over to paint, i will most likely sleep as thats all i do lately, or play diablo 2 with the 1.10 beta test patch. check it out here! and gaming on sunday of course, we now argue over 3.5....
Monday, July 28, 2003
Saturday, July 26, 2003
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Monday, July 21, 2003
Saturday spent time with Dan who is here from Texas, was at Jeffs then went to the Pond to cook out and swim and play a crazy game of bocci (which turned into Sand Bocci and toss the ball 7000 feet bocci thanks to Muench).
Sunday we gamed here at our place and ate Yummy food from the deli (thanks mikey). Now this week I (Thankfully) have very little to do, no doctors appointments, no baseball games, and all I need to do is head into the office on Friday to go to a 1 hour meeting (and lets hope I feel shitty enough to just call in for it!)
Sprechen of that, I actually feel pretty crappy. Have a cold (gotta be from the pond), Im achy pretty much everywhere from the waste down (except my back doesnt hurt, go figure?) My boss is gone all week in CT so I'm not sure how much real work (new) I will get this week, looks like another week of updating the manual for training, yippie skippy!
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
We saw the girls fighting however. Apparantly my kid (baby "b") was kicking dales kid "baby a" in the crotch. Now this isnt really what was happening as they have a pretty thick membrane between them, but on the scan it looks like shes pushing the membranes and her foot was in the other girls crotch. and baby a had her hands up by her face, which was funny...i think we have it on the vcr tape of the scan.
the plummer is here now fixing our sink (we have a new one and a new faucet) and the cat is freaked.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Monday, July 14, 2003
we got pulled over 2 seconds outside of my parents house for not having a front plate on my truck (i havent had a front plate since I bought it 2 years ago) and were let off with a "warning" to "fix" that.
we then had everyone over for the worlds largest BBQ/babyshower. Had many sausages this weekend, also some yummy spinich dip (thanks robin) and brownies (thanks robin and carol!). Played a rousing game of bocci in the backyard (the anti-reynolds beat the reynolds 12-10 thanks to my stunning 2 point last round)....then Muench, Mike, Dale, Jeff and I stayed at our place LATE to play munchkin and illuminati. Jeff brought over Papa Murphys-yum.
sunday mikey got a free 1/2 barrel (about 1/2 of it was left) from his bosses boss who had party on saturday and no one drank. sooo, dan, julie, mike, muench, jeff, jim, crystal, jake, nikki, me and dale went down to the pond to eat the leftover food from saturday and help finish the keg (except for me, I didnt help down warm MGD). I left around 4pmish and came back at around 7:30ish to find dale very very drunk in the pond with jake and mikey. went back home, got my suit and drove in to swim me and the girls out to the far raft to watch over said drunk hubbie.
around 8:30ish took my drunk hubbie home and make him mac and cheeze since he hadnt eaten anything but chips all afternoon.
2:am drunk hubbie proceeded to wake all of us up by throwing up in the bathroom. On a good note he did toss out the garbage can he puked in before coming back to bed.
3am drunk hubbie finally took some asprin like I told him too 4 hours before.
and now its 8am and I am working today.
plan on hitting the BB game to watch bucko coach in a few hours.
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Some of the people at work who were pregnant did'nt want to get the scan because they thought it would be too creepy to see what their kids looked like before they were born, which may or may not bother me, I don't know...
I know my mother in law is excited about seeing them, Dale's cousin had a 4d scan done with her first baby (and maybe the 2nd one, Im not sure....) and it is really amazing. So if you would like to purchase a lovely Voluson 730/Logiq 7 or Logiq 9 let me know, I can hook you up with a nice sales rep!
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Monday, June 30, 2003
Sunday, June 29, 2003
News for everyone. Our Babyshower with all our friends is on July 12th, 2003, our place, I think 3pm, check with robin for details...if you didnt get an invite or an email invite, come anyways...bring lawn chairs, bring lawn games, bring sunscreen. We are registered at Target & Babies R Us hoorah.
tomorrow is visiting the kitty at the baumers, going to my aunts for the family baby shower and coming home with 100000 baby thingys which need to be put away. According to Jeff we will get more blankets than we know what to do with.
Tonight I was locked out of the house so I spent a few hours at Jeff and Kristys eating dinner, playing with Kieran etc...Went to the family house and lay down and finally dale picked me up to come home where I have been watching "seven" on tv. That was pretty stupid because now I am wired and cant sleep. ergo, I am blogging at 12:24am.
I also found a new sign of the end of the world, I guess Dennis Miller is now in Bush's corner for reelection, Click Here what has the world come to?
Friday, June 27, 2003
Cleaning has become really hard too. I tried to clean the bathtub last nite (well I did clean it) it just was impossible to bend the right way to get it done quickly...I think thats the last time I clean the tub for awhile.
Ive set up shop in the babies room for my home office for the time being. Im on the big green comfy chair and the printer is next to the changing thingy and I have shit all over the crib and floors, its pretty humerous. The cat seems pretty pissed off that I'm in here since she has decided to claim this room as her own.
Speaking of cats, dales parents have a new kitten who is named squeeks. We are going over to see him on Sunday. Sunday is also the day of the 1st babyshower (relatives only)...Which means loading up the car with stuff.
Robin is throwing us a babyshower/BBQ at our place on JULY 12TH 2003!Come one come all, bring your lawnchairs, grab something off the babies gift list from target or babies r us and come eat brats and burgers and whatnot....We hope to play croquet or bocci in the backyard (hopefully mike can come and can bring his set), hang out, eat food, drink beer (for those of us who can drink) and generally be lazy with our friends!
Big good bye to Derek who is leaving for Japan in a month!
Friday, June 06, 2003
Thursday, May 29, 2003
today I went to westwood to swim this morning, which was nice, now im kind of achy, which is not nice because im busy at work (home).
tonight for dinner going into milwaukee to go to Oakland Trattoria with vanessa. Yum, then plan on coming home and going to plans for tomorrow night, maybe get a pizza and rent a dvd or watch one of my own, maybe simpsons season 2? who knows....saturday we have mechwarrior in the am, nothing at nite...sunday gaming over here? with Jeff and co....hopefully dale comes home by then...
Monday, May 26, 2003
today we plan on hitting the gym (pool), heading down to mikeys pond for the annual dan and mike happy birthday/memorial day BBQ (looking forward to my cheddar brats), vanessa is coming over with josh around 2:30 (i think) to drop off my candles, see the cat, see the house...then dale wants to mow the lawn before he leaves for his trip to PA.
yesterday we did yard work. i edged the new flower beds, dale trimmed all the bushes (we now have a pile of branches all over the place.), and we decided to grill out BBQ chicken on our new miniweber grill (yummy and BBQ-y). repainted one of the new dressers and attached knobs, planning on painting the 2nd one today. watched the mavs lose to the spurs (which should make the pedens happy), went to bed.
back hurts a lot and dale says i am walking like a pregnant lady, which i think means i waddle.
we have girls names picked out, which is cool...i am almost done making the baby blanket, next thing to work on, bibs.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
kids are doing fine. we have finished the nursery (mostly) and are working on finishing the rest of the dad in law said we may get new siding for free (yea!) and we get a new roof soon too (yea!).
Friday, May 09, 2003
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Friday, April 11, 2003
Puked this morning right out of the shower, very pleasant. Treat day at work, made cookies and taco pie and brought in candy and chips...all seemed to go over well. Alan brought in bagels. No plans as such for this weekend, maybe doing the D&D thing on guess is mr. dont call dont write wont show up, which isnt a big loss really, mikey may be paintballing so he may be out as well and I think muench is visiting Vic in Indiana this weekend....more later.
Thursday, April 03, 2003
Monday, March 31, 2003
Friday, March 28, 2003
tonight dale and i will be grocery shopping or cleaning or buying paint, fun
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
check out my new favorite website, THE DAILY WAV.COM I hope laura is having a blast in San Diego!
Monday, March 24, 2003
Lets see, Candle Party at V's on Sunday, saw Betsy and her mom, Josh, and The new kitties and Ali (who is huge!)-bought some candles (yum) and chatted with V for awhile...we havent seen each other in months!!! arg..her two cats, plus the dog decided i was a pillow-both cats were asleep on my belly (which is getting bigger) and the dog decided by thigh needed to be slept on...since when do animals like me that much?
sunday nite was eating homemade lasanga and doing the new puzzle and watching the oscars, it was nice that adrien brody and nicole kidman won...i absolutely loathe renee whatsherface so rockon nicole., my ankle is still swollen and hurted, i really miss advil.
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
Monday, March 17, 2003
Monday, March 10, 2003
Monday, February 24, 2003
Saturday, February 15, 2003
Friday, February 07, 2003
Thursday, February 06, 2003
Tuesday, February 04, 2003
Monday, February 03, 2003
now im in class for 2 days...bah
Friday, January 31, 2003
told dale the big news last night, nothings more funny than the look on his face and the meatball sub dripping down his beard. I beat him at my first ever mechwarrior sealed box tourney-woo-hoo! Its his first lost ever. I kick ass. Dinner with the in-laws tonight, gaming tomorrow, dinner and a movie tomorrow, sunday-eddie martinis!!
Monday, January 27, 2003
Saturday, January 25, 2003
Thursday, January 23, 2003
Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Monday, January 20, 2003
Saturday, January 18, 2003
Monday, January 13, 2003
Saturday, house inspection. Everything is A-OK and a go. We found a problem with the fuse box and reduced our price to $182k, we will see if they accept today....I must call our realtor! Saturday night we did something....oh yeah, we went and saw Marquette beat the snot out of Southern Florida state. A boring game till the last 16 min of Q2 when almost the whole team either fouled out or was injured. Funny. Then we went home to bed.
Sunday over to J&K's where we played board games and ate chineese. Went home with a migraine.
today got to work and had no desk. Waited around an hour for a desk and now have moved into my new office...which doesnt suck too much.
tomorrow, flying to Florida for 4 days for work (oh how HARD that will be to go there when its 11 degrees here)
Friday, January 10, 2003
Last night i won the campaign by beating up on a 10 year old. FUN FUN
this is the donkey quote of the day: "Time is meaningless and yet it is all that exists. –Very Morrissey." – [John Bach and Ben Browder from Farscape] which is from my new favorite website the daily
put up Muench's mechs for sale on can view my auctions on ebay, buy some of my old crap!
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
You can view the house online (only an outside picture) at just search for this address...
2609 Algoma Terr, Waukesha, WI 53188-4635
Im pretty psyched we placed the offer at like 6:30 last night and by 9:30 our realtor called and said we had the house...Whoopie! I then proceeded to call my parents, dales parents and I woke up Jeff and Kristy (good one Mare, wake up the pregnant lady!)...
our lease is up at the end of April so I need to get someone to take over our apt....Anyone want to move in?