Thursday, August 14, 2003

well after todays dr appt i learned that i am 1 cm dialated and the dr can poke my babies in their heads. when she does that they do what is called "floating up" which means they dont like being poked in the head and move up out of my pelvis. the good news is theres no bleeding or anything which means im not going into labor. which is nice. TODAY IS ROBINS BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBIN!

Saturday we are going out to eat at PF Changs for her birthday. i have never eaten there but it is supposedly very tasty or something.

also major superbestest goodest news today, the lame ass boss at work, Jim, resigned as of Sept 1 to pursue opportunities elsewhere (vp at an associated bank branch) i will now be taking my money out of that bank and placing it elsewhere, the man could fuck up anything, he reminds me of all those saturday nite live skits where they play jeopardy, if you asked him to name a letter he would prob. tell you "f". the company only spent prob. 800-900k on this loser and its amazing he didnt get fired months ago. as i said to alan "krusty has come to save us and we are going to tiajunana" (had to be there), its quite possibly the best news I have had in months. now what am i going to bitch about?