cool news is laura is coming from texas for a visit in October, she was emailing my old address and thought i was ignoring her! We got that all worked out...Ill have to try to get everyone together from the wedding to say hello, i believe shes here the 5th and 6th which is neat. i should stil be on leave...!
Sunday, August 17, 2003
ok lets see what ive done mom is 75% done with the painting and the wood stripping upstairs, it looks nice. it was 93 or so yesterday so I didnt venture out much. we did go out to dinner at PF Changs with Robin Mum and fred and Jason...Robin and Jason are moving in together (4 cats!)....went out for Mack's custard (yum) and watched the football game on TV. Today is gym and gaming (here) plus dale is mowing the lawn, its already 80 out and its only 10am....