My children spend most of their time kicking me, the doctor estimates that they are between 4-5 lbs each, plus placentas and fluid which would account for most of the 42.5lbs I have gained. I'm spending most of my time damning my skin to hell as (some of my female breeder friends will find out) strech marks when they keep streching because you dont have any more skin left to stretch feel like sunburned scabbs that are being streched and pulled. it is the most painfully uncomfortable thing ever, and there is nothing i can do about it. Ill take morning sickness over this crap.
no big plans for this weekend, dale wants to play at lost worlds of wonders on saturday afternoon, my mom is coming over to paint, i will most likely sleep as thats all i do lately, or play diablo 2 with the 1.10 beta test patch. check it out here! and gaming on sunday of course, we now argue over 3.5....