Monday, September 01, 2003
hello all! We had the babies Sunday August 31, 2003. Malinda Elise was born at 9:23am and is 5 lbs 5/8 oz and 18 1/2 inches long. Her sister, Mya Elizabeth was born 7 minutes later at 9:30am and weighed 4 lbs 14.2 oz and was 18 inches long. Malinda is doing well and is in the room with us most of the day, Mya is in the NICU because she came out too quick! She has a bruise on her nose (thanks mom) and some fluid in her lungs (because she didnt get pushed for like 30 min like her sister to clear it out) and she is getting antibiotics for something, I just dont remember what! I just finished holding her and she is getting a lovely suntan from the lamp in the NICU, she can come home with us on Thursday. I am now going back to the suite to feed Malinda (again) provided she can figure the whole sucking thing out! Other than the extreme pain and the 18 and 1/2 hours of labor, Mom and Dad are doing swell!