today at work they let someone go at about 3:50 (we close at 4:30) she had worked there, what would have been 11 years, next tuesday. Honestly, it wasnt unexpected that someone would lose their job and it was nice of the company to do it NOW vs next year (when the severance package would be $0.00 due to the new rules that kick in Jan 1, 2009), but still rather shocking that they didnt go with someone with less senority (AKA, myself, Mike, or Chirag) who have been there less than a year, or a year or so. What really sucks is, that person they let go was my backup, she was just about to go on vacation for 2 days (I guess you get a long vacation now?) and she just moved here from Texas like 6 months ago! Welcome to Wisconsin I guess?
Then i get home and find out that someone else I know just found out his whole company is shutting down as of Dec 31...due to the FANTASTIC auto industry. so If you are in the market for a class A, awesome computer developer tech-y guy...I know a totally wonderful candidate for you....seriously, he is amazing (and also a great cook!)
On the GOOD NEWS front, Owen has gone 2 whole days in a row with NO ACCIDENTS AND DRY UNDERWARE! I am so happy I could just cry. I think we will go to Chuck E Cheese Sat to celebrate!
Keep employed people, keep employed
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