addison came out of the NICU today and is back in the room with mom and dad-hooray addison.
other that being 101, he was in perfect health-he just died. his daughter said he has been wanting to go, he's outlived all his friends, his wife etc...and thought the time was right. what a way to go..I found out about his passing about 5 min before I heard about faith's and that pretty much caused me to break down at work...then about 5 min after that, another client died, which makes 23 on the year. I was pretty much useless for a few hours today.
tonight i have no plans, nothing i have to do, nothing i need to do, nothing i want to do....
just waiting the start of xmas, waiting for R to get back here, and waiting for the snow to come again (wed and friday another 12-18 inches.)
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