Saturday, January 27, 2007

ryan has eff'd me!

Well thanks goes to Ryan for putting the obvious out in the Universe, thus fucking me. Since we won the superbowl trip Ryan has of course shown me that the universe needs to right itself I have gotten in a car accident (600.00 in "repairs" and in reality i need to spend another 3000.00 on crappy crap.), Owen woke up screaming about 1:45 this morning with a 102 temp...I was up all night holding him and whatnot...doctors office today to tell me he has a strep infection all over his body and his throat (he is a red as a beet everywhere) he went from 98.6 to 101.2 in about 25 min in the doctors office, that was pretty scary, he passed out in my arms, so i have had no sleep, got nothing accomplished today and am waiting for the other shoe to drop...(note to ryan, i have some catching up to do, i am only on vodka cranberry #1..)
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