You know when does your responsibility to your company end and your responsibility to the greater good start? I am now expected to “back up” a co-worker in the event that they are out sick or on vacation. That is no problem; please do the same for me someday…cool? Cool. But this person went out drinking last night, knew they were going to get trashed, planned on it and then called in today that they are “sick” and will be in by noon (right…sure you will). But since they are out “sick” I have to cover their ass while they are gone. The kicker is that they left a voice mail for another coworker discussing how they had “too much fun” last night etc….so it’s now no secret that they are not sick, they are just too hung over to come in by 8am.
My boss knows about the 2nd voice mail and has told that employee to save them from now on. OK that’s fine too…but this is not the 1st time this has happened, this is a weekly occurrence. I think at some point you need to have a come to Jesus meeting with them and say “listen we value you as an employee and as a person and all (Blah blah blah, pandering to political correctness) but you either need to get some medical help if you are so “sick” all the time and can not do your job, or you need to quit/go part time etc… and let us find someone who is more reliable and will be here every day.” Now that I am doing this other persons stuff that means I can not get to my stuff as quickly or as much or vice versa….blah. + I know that when I am out in Feb. no one is gonna lift a finger to check my reports or my emails to make sure I am not swamped when I get back.
On a different note…I haven’t been sleeping very well lately, about the past 5 days or so. I have been doing what I normally do before bed (i.e. read) take my meds…whatever and then I pretty much stay awake for a few hours. When you are normally used to cruising on 7 hours of sleep, 5 hours really isn’t cutting it….I feel like I used to feel when the kids needed feeding every 3 hours. The main problem with lack of sleep is now I have a job where I am not “up” for the full 8 hours…I don’t have to talk on the phone constantly and now I pretty much do reporting, system work, coding etc…and I can sit here with my i-pod running 8 + hrs, I find I get really sleepy, really quick. Coffee and Tea aren’t cutting it to help me stay awake and I really am trying to drink less than 1 soda per week so I can rely on my old friend 20 oz of Mountain Dew.
I’m thinking it’s a combination of stress of the unknown (where will Dale be working as of Feb 1st?) plus the upcoming stress of flying (I really late to fly and have to take “happy pills” to get through it all) and being away from the kids for 10 days over the course of a month (which should de-stress me, but well, you always worry about your kids in the back of your mind when you aren’t around) plus the fact that I am cold (stupid crappy windows…next home project). Dale thinks it’s because I read books in bed before I turn in, I think he’s mental since I think I have been reading in bed since before I knew how to read (if I had the right photo album here I would scan in the picture of me, at 2, sleeping on a pile of books-no lie) and its never been an issue before, in fact, I get antsy if I don’t read before bed….ahhhh the whole thing just sucks, as long as I never need to get the crutch of downing a shot of Nyquil before bed I guess I can put up with aching tiredness.
In other news of the world, it appears from Laura’s blog all is well in Africa, she is back in her normal village visiting and seems to be gearing up for her next adventure, not sure which country she is visiting next, but am always interested to see what she is up to! Ryan is having a big party this weekend and even though I was honored to be invited, I think I can’t really get down to Hot-Lanta for the shin-dig…next time bro, totally promise… (oh and BTW, Tom does like both coworkers, Edward and the cute guy with the does this tee shirt make me look gay shirt) and good luck to Andrea at her professional photo shoot today…that $70.00 haircut is smokin’ you go girl….
Dylan started school yesterday. Way to fucking go Dylan! In two years he will be a rad. Tech, rock on with your bad self! You are still invited for spring break (whenever that is)…the kids want to see you…
Oh and speaking of the kids, they all appear to be doing well….Malinda and Mya are learning about dinosaurs this week which prompted Malinda telling us that “dinosaurs are extinct. That doesn’t mean they smell funny, it means they aren’t around anymore, and the people that study dinosaurs are called paleontologists, not proctologists, they poke butts, not dinosaurs.” Owen is also happy in the new daycare room with his girlfriends Maya & Lacianna and his bite buddy (about 1-2 times a week each way) Lucas. Yesterday I was treated to him screaming in the car “I like meatballs! I like soup! I loveeeee Meatballs, yeah! And soup! Yes!” Sadly we had Tatortot casserole for dinner and no meatballs or soup. This makes me a bad mom I guess….
Music on the ol’ I-pod today: Bird York “In The Deep,” Rasputina’s album “A Radical Recital” punk music done on Cello, it’s so brilliant especially “Watch TV” (I could watch forever, I could watch for hours, it gives me pleasure, it makes me better)…plus a 4 song LP of Poi Dog Pondering at Lollapalooza from last August, pretty good version of Jack Ass Ginger…..
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