Congrats to Jen and to Mark M who graduated from college this past weekend...yea for you...also congrats to Ben Miles (my brothers college roomie and currently the guy whooping dale in our ff playoffs) for making the front page of the local paper...Ben is a kindergarden teacher in waukesha and got his mug on page 1 for being a rare breed of low grade level male teachers...whoopie ben!
I am expected to get 2 crowns on my 2 back teeth and or a root canal, I have to see a specialist..bah...and my cold is getting no better...Happy Christmas I guess...
Speaking of that my dentist tried to spin my teeth hurting as "Christmas Stress" I tend to clench my teeth when i sleep and she said "well could it be the stress of the holidays?" I am sure i havent worn down the enamel of my teeth in the last, lets say month to cause this much pain....which I have had for months...crap, at least she didnt try the "could you be pregnant?" track...another doctor fallback, you are either stressed or hormonal.
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