The Christmas recap: Christmas #2 is over with (Vitucci/Poytinger/Anderson Christmas)...my kids went wacko..i got to see all my cousins (except Peter...he doesnt do crowds) and my cousin Matt (happy birthday..not to be confused with my brother matt) is getting married (sometime in 2008)...my uncle Mike and cousin mike (not to be confused with my dad mike) got a new black lab puppy and they (and lisa and marina) couldnt stay long, had to get back to IL to let him/her/it? out of its kennel to peepee..
My Aunt Colleen's grandma had a stroke about 3 min before they left Cedarburg for our house so she wasnt there...hope grandma is OK Colleen!
Tomorrow is Christmas #3...Baumer Christmas...around 1pm...I am hoping the kids arent too wako from lack of nap tomorrow...
Today we took kids to their 1st (well for the girls techinically 2nd, but at 8 weeks old I dont think they remember Intolerable Cruelty quite well) movie...we all saw Charlotte's Web...that effing movie always makes me cry...try explaining to your 2 year old why "momma sad?" and you are blubbering about the spider dying etc...oh hell...they were very well behaved and we had no problems...maybe we take the kids again...you know once we win the lottery since I think it was like 23$ for all of us...
Also today was a bit sad as seeing my Grandma (my last living Grandparent) was hard...Grandma is about 1 step away from assisted living since I think her Altzheimers is about at the tipping point...I guess she wasnt showering, or changing her clothes and she forgot to tell my aunt she had no toilet paper (at least this is what I gleaned from overhearing my aunt and mom talk)...its very sad since all her living brothers and sisters are just the same, or worse off...so as I said to my favorite aunt, and goddess mother...Thi s is what i have to look forward too huh?
Funny Christmas story...my mom is redoing her small bathroom and has taken up all the mirrors, light fixtures, and floor vent...my cousin Marina went in to use the bathroom..the floor vent is on the right hand side as you sit on the potty about ehhh 1 foot away from your feet...my cousin managed to drop her motorola razr down the floor vent...my mother is fishing this phone out with a plastic spoon and her arm as about 1/2 a dozen relatives look on..priceless..why didnt i grab the camera?
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