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We have a ROOM full of stuff down here that I dont have room for yet (kids stuff + Laundry) and have to somehow figure out where to put everything...we have an abundance of new socks and underwear (for the kids) and I think my mom feels sorry for me because this is 2 years running where she gets me new washcloths...which means I now own 300 washcloths, a majority of them scummy from endless wiping of dirty hands/faces/tables and kitty puke.
I guess I am just tired which makes this whole rant sound bitchy in the x-treme...blah...we did have the best time yesterday at Toni's house...Mya went mental over her spiderman and has talked of nothing since...
I am also sad because I didnt get to spend as much time with Ryan as I had hoped (damn that flu!), and that pony I wanted for the past 30 christmases did not arrive under the tree, I shake my fist at you santa...!
If you are wondering what this lovely picture is...it is #1 in "where is laura" recap...she is on Lamu Island in Africa..its beautiful.
The Christmas recap: Christmas #2 is over with (Vitucci/Poytinger/Anderson Christmas)...my kids went wacko..i got to see all my cousins (except Peter...he doesnt do crowds) and my cousin Matt (happy birthday..not to be confused with my brother matt) is getting married (sometime in 2008)...my uncle Mike and cousin mike (not to be confused with my dad mike) got a new black lab puppy and they (and lisa and marina) couldnt stay long, had to get back to IL to let him/her/it? out of its kennel to peepee..
My Aunt Colleen's grandma had a stroke about 3 min before they left Cedarburg for our house so she wasnt there...hope grandma is OK Colleen!
Tomorrow is Christmas #3...Baumer Christmas...around 1pm...I am hoping the kids arent too wako from lack of nap tomorrow...
Today we took kids to their 1st (well for the girls techinically 2nd, but at 8 weeks old I dont think they remember Intolerable Cruelty quite well) movie...we all saw Charlotte's Web...that effing movie always makes me cry...try explaining to your 2 year old why "momma sad?" and you are blubbering about the spider dying etc...oh hell...they were very well behaved and we had no problems...maybe we take the kids again...you know once we win the lottery since I think it was like 23$ for all of us...
Also today was a bit sad as seeing my Grandma (my last living Grandparent) was hard...Grandma is about 1 step away from assisted living since I think her Altzheimers is about at the tipping point...I guess she wasnt showering, or changing her clothes and she forgot to tell my aunt she had no toilet paper (at least this is what I gleaned from overhearing my aunt and mom talk)...its very sad since all her living brothers and sisters are just the same, or worse off...so as I said to my favorite aunt, and goddess mother...Thi s is what i have to look forward too huh?
Funny Christmas story...my mom is redoing her small bathroom and has taken up all the mirrors, light fixtures, and floor vent...my cousin Marina went in to use the bathroom..the floor vent is on the right hand side as you sit on the potty about ehhh 1 foot away from your feet...my cousin managed to drop her motorola razr down the floor vent...my mother is fishing this phone out with a plastic spoon and her arm as about 1/2 a dozen relatives look on..priceless..why didnt i grab the camera?
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04-19-2006 |
Today is fancy pants day at work. Everyone is all spiffed up for the party this afternoon, I am wearing my kick ass/uncomfortable as hell shoes and my new red xmas shirt with my velvet blazer..Its a nice day at work because i am only working till 11am, but its sort of sad as well since I just found out a coworker has breast cancer. The good news is its very small and they caught it early, bad news is, its right before xmas and about a year ago her dad died of cancer...so good thoughts out to her..
And if Shannon or Kristie checks in, we have xmas presents for Gage and Keira (i didnt know what you needed for the new baby....so havent gotten anything yet!) so maybe call me and see if we can gettogether.
In case I'm too busy to blog, HAVE A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
Tomorrow is Xmas Party at Westmoor, something? at night with Ryan (I'm leaning for dinner out and drinks...somewhere?-look at me I have no effing clue what is going on...
ALSO HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY LAURA (a day early)..she is somewhere in Africa.
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I also had a PT checked while I was there...I'm good at 2.0, the antibiotics tend to interact with the cumadin (causing me to have to monkey with my dosages...) so a baseline is always good...
Today (wed) Dale has an interview with one of the other companies within his parent company...I guess the word on the street is that they wanted to hire him but the company he is currently with pulled and got him to come there...The new place would be in Germantown (vs Sussex) so a bit father to drive but still the same company and benefits etc...
This week he is only working today and then off the rest of the week so I am creating a nice big honeydo list for him! He has to play Santa and put a huge dollhouse together for the girls..that should be fun for him (watching any engineer use instructions to put things together that he didnt design is a hoot...usually degenerates into him complaining how poorly written they are, bang bang bang...slam, throw hammer)
I have some stuff to do this week myself..tomorrow is a preChristmas food day, I have to pick up Owen's Pictures after 5pm...Friday is our company Xmas party in the afternoon, hanging with Ryan in the PM...Saturday back to the dentist with Owen for his 1st cleaning and its very possible that SANTA may be coming after the kids nap!
Sunday is my parents, Monday is Toni's, Tuesday is back to my parents for family Christmas (and pick up my comic book) and at some point I will sleep this weekend.
Ipod heavy rotation for this week: They Might Be Giants "Hey Mr. DJ..," "Holding on to the Earth" Sam Phillips, and pretty much Travis the whole of "The Man Who."
Books for the week "The City of Falling Angels" John Berendt which is about the buring of the Fenice Opera House in Venice...the same guy wrote "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." I also have like 3 other new books at home waiting for me to get done with this one, but Non Fiction for me reads slower than Fiction...
Today ran into Target for a big bow for the dollhouse, wasnt as crazy as i expected...could have been worse, old ladies fighting over the wrapping paper...
I am expected to get 2 crowns on my 2 back teeth and or a root canal, I have to see a specialist..bah...and my cold is getting no better...Happy Christmas I guess...
Speaking of that my dentist tried to spin my teeth hurting as "Christmas Stress" I tend to clench my teeth when i sleep and she said "well could it be the stress of the holidays?" I am sure i havent worn down the enamel of my teeth in the last, lets say month to cause this much pain....which I have had for months...crap, at least she didnt try the "could you be pregnant?" track...another doctor fallback, you are either stressed or hormonal.
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Then 3 hours later right before bed, Malinda puked all in her bed, on her arms, which then meant another load of laundry, clean up, and de-puking of the bedroom...She seems OK today...Depending on what happens here in the next 2 hours or so, either Owen and I will be going somewhere with his Auntie Vanessa or she may be coming over here to play with everyone...
I think I have an ear infection and strep, but since I need to fix my ouchie tooth tomorrow, Dr appt may have to wait till Tuesday!
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I am also posting a few pics from my reorganization of the living room as the shelf took up well..the demensions are there...space. I had to get my dad to agree to store 2 dining room chairs and a shelf in their basement (not really a hard sell), but now at least i have storage for the scrapbooks, and they all fit in the shelves! whoopie!..
Below is Malinda and this face she drea on her doodle pad! For a 3 year old I find it highly impressive...she is well on her way to drawing crap on napkins and paying for dinner with them!
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Many thanks to Shannon, Tommy, Mr. Reuss and angie and bill for the holiday cards....shannon, the girls went BONKERS over Gage... "Thats Gage, I love him!" funny...we have xmas presents for him, should we try to have a weekend playdate/movie date over here?
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First week in the new job, very odd...I am about as busy as I want to be (as I explained to my boss, I'm Steady), I feel like Mikey, I show up when I want, leave when I'm done and that's about that...Its refreshing yet odd...as was explained to be by Niakia, once you get off the floor you find that the stresses and whatnot just...slip away...v.v. nice.
This week the kids have a total of 3-5 ear infections, 2 sinus infections, 1 strep infection (on our bum) and 3 runny noses...Its been pleasant...we also got to observe the stellar doctoring of Doctor Biebel as he used the elephant ear irragator to flush Mya's ear of a humungus chunk of wax (ewwww.) which after he extracted this made complete sense that Mya woke up the night previous telling me "my ear is not loud enough." (kids)
Have to give shouts out to Laura who is almost done in Kenya with her program (send many postcards!), Robin who I somehow keep trading Voice Mails with (girl we gotta figure out christmas one of these days hey?), Vanessa who I love (call me, lets set a night to have you visit us, we miss you auntie V!) more than anything because she is amazing, Carrie who I will CRUSH-MF-ING-CRUSH next week when I CRUSH her in fantasy playoffs (CRUSHHHH), and of course my man Ryan down there in chilly (58 degrees-you ass) Atlanta...for you my man the inside joke song(s) of the day (which incientially have been in rotation on my ipod:) Where Eagles Dare-The Misfits, I've got a minature secret camera & strange kind of love both by Peter Murphy....all the more to help you in your Peter Murphy kinda day......hope tomorrow brings you a day with no family pets being put to sleep...just lots of puppys and kittens and happy crap like that...see you in 2 weeks eh? (BTW our xmas party is the afternoon of the 22nd, Sally wants you to fly in and come out drinking with the work krew.)
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