Monday, April 04, 2005


Let's see what did we this weekend. Friday my brother came over for awhile to play with the kids...I do not know what we did Friday afternoon...I can't remember. Saturday sucked. everyone is sick and the buttfucking bastards across the street parked their truck right next to the mailboxes. Since the lazy ass mailman couldnt park is truck 100% in front of OUR box, we didnt get our mail picked up or delivered, but the fucking neighbors did. The post office didnt seem to care that it wasnt sleeting, snowing, raining or hailing, but park a truck so you cant park your truck in front of a box and you dont get your goddamned mail. No movie for us to watch on Saturday. :(

I am recovering from Pink Eye and have seemed to pick up strep throat, great. Owen was constipated all Saturday PM/Sunday AM so he cried from 3am till about noon when he finally pooped. Malinda keeps hitting her mouth on everything and splitting her inside upper lip-blood everywhere and her nose is now so runny and dry its bleeding too.

The kids are teething their 2 year molars and so they are waking up at night. Malinda was so wrecthed last night she cried for 2 hours, fell asleep then woke up JUST as I was getting my 4 hour sleep shift from 10-2 and didnt want me, no she wanted Dale, who was JUST getting Owen to sleep when she woke him up.

So it was a long night. We went to the twins easter party yesterday and the kids had fun swimming and hunting for eggs. The whole DST thing wacked everyone up I hate springging forward.

This week I have my twins meeting on Friday, my candle sale meeting Saturday morning (Im not looking forward to that) and I think thats it.
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