Friday was SUCH a nice day, we went over to Erin's house to play with Alexander and Maja. The kids had fun playing with their toys and we went to McDonalds for lunch as a treat. The kids liked their apples from the happy meals.
Friday night was my Twins club meeting, good vibes being sent out to Lisa (get yourself better soon!) and Gretchen (hope everything goes well in court this week!) I signed up for fundraising and Historian for this year. Chatted with Barb, leslie and ~Tammy about the kids etc.... I am doing our annual rummage sale on the 11-14th at Barb's house in big bend, erin and I are carpooling out there together!
Saturday we went to Madison to visit Aunt Ra-Ra and Jason, ate brunch at the Pancake Cafe (where dale and I admitted we should have had breakfast foods!) and went to the Henry Villas Zoo. The girls had fun seeing the animals....Owen seemed to like the fresh air for a bit. Saturday night I watched : Ray (which was good, but not GREAT) and Bridget Jones': Edge of Reason (vg) and the rest of Northern Exposure-Season 2 (I loved that show). Owen slept very good.
Yesterday we headed to Toys R Us, bought an outdoor basketball hoop for the backyard, dollies for the girls (Malinda went nuts for her baby doll/bottle), little soft rubbery trucks for Mya, a Fisher Price little people Zoo set (annoying and loud), and some shoes/clothes on sale really cheap.
The kids played outside yesterday afternoon while dale and I did some quick yard work. We need to buy woodchips for the flower beds, anyone need any if we get a load? Sunday night I I-pod'd (The Darkness, Johnny Cash, & Janet Jackson), did some shipping of ebay/amazon sales, and scrapbooked. Went to bed early (round 10) and read the rest of "First Meetings in the Enderverse" by Orson Scott Card. Today starting the 3rd book in the shadow series by OSC, finished the VI book in the Princess Diaries series Saturday in the car, also reading fever pitch by Nick Hornsby.
I fell down the stairs with Owen and ganked up my foot, I assume Yoga will fuck it up more this eve, that makes a total of two kids I have fallen down the stairs with, one broken foot, one sprained/strained foot and one dropped baby
Daycare didnt bother to tell me the girls needed diapers today so my dad had to run some over this morning so I wouldnt be late to work.
THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO: 1: Laura Here in 16 days 2: Lasanga Soup on the 25th at the Soup House. 3: Commission check from work for selling a new lease :)
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