Say byebye to a woman's right to choose, and hello to more and more mommies with babies on welfare, or more and more "accidental/unwanted" kids who are shoved into the system, put up for adoption or abused (thus draining funds from the government) and more women who try to do backroom abortions themselves or with some hack (thus jacking up HC costs as they get rushed to the ER with little or no insurance, or die), bye bye 4 years of possible research for Parkinsons, ALS, etc...and say a big goodbye to all that lovely tax rev. from all those married gay people who can now pay the man every april 15th to be married just like I have to, plus think of all the gay wedding businesses that wont exist, no new gay cake makers, wedding dress makers, resort locations, gay honeymoon suites, income for counties/state from gay wedding lisc. (and yes you do have to pay to get one), etc.. etc..
Plus of course the untold billions we will have to spend to "fix" the middle east. Quick one for you all, we will NEVER have peace in the middle east, why? easy-there has NEVER been peace in the middle east and there pretty much never will be. We might as well get a CCR reunion together so they can write some vietnam area protest songs for the new Iraq miasma millenium, we ain't fixing that quagmire any time soon.
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