Wednesday, November 10, 2004

So the concert was beyond WAY wonderful. It makes it into the top 5 single best events of my existance, right behind having the kids, getting married etc... They played for 2 solid hours, no chit chat between songs just 2 hours of music. WOW. The highlights: Both versions of Wave of Mutilation (the fast version and the UK surf mix), Caribou, Where is my Mind and Debaser (the opening song), the lowlights: No Hangwire :(

It was a little odd to be at a concert when I'm 8 months pregnant and when I can't wear my "official concert uniform." There were like 40 year old people there dressed up as the "disaffected youth movement." I'm all for self expression but I'm thinking that once you are 40 with a house and kids and whatever it becomes slightly pathetic to pull out your old leather jacket, funky pant/shirt combo, dye your hair blue for the night and smoke your shitty cigarettes and try to pretend to blend in with the 15 year olds there that actually are the disaffected youth.

Plus I felt under (?) dressed since I didnt have one of the following on my person: pladd, doc martins, ripped teeshirt/jeans, pony-tails in my hair-funky yet arty glasses, cigarettes, beer, mismatched socks, anything army green, or hair the color of (insert rainbow bright color here)....

I was sitting around (in my choice ass seat, 1st row bal. next to the wheelchair prime view) in my pregnancy fat jeans, a shirt I borrowed from my Uncle, my work shoes (which are just boring black sketchers) and warm socks. Did I mention that I'm 8 mo pregnant so my everything was swollen? Yes, I looked exactly like your typical punk rock legend band concert goer...

The baby liked the show, he was kicking along during the songs...I'm not sure if it was "yes this rocks, whoo hoo" kicking or "holy shit mom this is fucking loud what the hell" kicking.

Before the show I met up with Vanessa and we ate in the basement at Roots. We had some excellent organic nachos with pork, and I had part of a Hamburger with Yucca Chips.

Went and saw Vanessa's new place, played with her kitties and Ali who is growing into such a big dog!!! She was nice enough to drop me off at the show.

I was able to walk home from the concert to my Aunts Condo which is soooooo nice let me tell you. They hired a great decorator for the place, it just looks amazing! Had trouble sleeping for some I feel like death this morning....

Malinda and Dale had a nice night together. They ate dinner right away when they got home and they watched Shrek 2. Dale said Malinda really enjoyed that and held her Donkey during the movie, also spent much time pointing at the screen...maybe we will have to buy the box set for the kids?!
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