Current mood:
dentist (dale and I, no caveties)
postoffice (stocked up on forever stamps)
library (to get the elf soundtrack....i love baby its cold outside as sung by zooey deschanel)
comic book store (free comic book day)
UNO's for lunch (best service and lunch with the kids we have ever had...perhaphs because i had a bloody me for a drink? (2nd one this a lush?))
watched the two towers with the kids (when does mr frodo get to the volcano?)
inlaws bought the kids bikes and brought over dinner (YUM)
found out dale's cousin didn't OD accidentally, it was on purpose..he had only been out of rehab for 24 hours. really sucked...he was only 38 and always a sweet person.....
i cant find my digital camera...any ideas..
congrats to my old business partner in the lemonaide business on the baby girl to should change your profile to proud parent.
miss you mr bear.
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