Today I have to drive into Menomonee Falls to get the girls, here is hoping they took a nap today. Tonight I am at a loss for dinner. Last night we made do with random left overs, which seemed to work OK...tonight I may hit the store after work and get some Tilapia and make baked fish packets..But thats only if I feel really may end up a Spagetti O's + more random left overs just never know.
Watched Gilmore Girls (and I think by now I'm just watching because I have been doing that for 8 yrs) and House. House just kicked ass...Besides the fact that I have a jones for Hugh Laurie and a fundemental dislike of Dave Matthews...that all canceled itself out as it was just a wonderfully written episode. I can't believe they pull it for American Freaking Idol. I also caught that show last night, man do those guys suck.
I have been watching faithfully my Nero Wolfe episodes while here at work...its unreal how easy it is to work and watch TV at the same time. I feel I perfected this art while working at home for do I miss working from home. I do have nice fresh daffodils on my desk thanks to some cancer fundraiser or something, so thats a plus...except they don't smell especially good, but the yellow has been cheering me up so I can state that I am a happier person today than I was yesterday, thats something I guess.

I'm trying to make Andrea a mix CD she asked for...but I said I was in a sad/mellow music mode and didnt want to bring her down (man). But since she gave the OK I have been realizing that even though I have 5000 songs on the ipod, i'd say 4500 of them are depressing with only 250 happy songs and the rest is just kids music. No wonder I am in a shit mood if all I listen to is depressing crap. I keep looking around for my notebook filled with Eddie Vedder poetry in my tastefully distressed backpack...Hopefully I can find 18 songs and put them on CD before I see her tomorrow for sushi. (which no matter how good it is, won't be as amazing as Nobu or Morrimoto's)
Hi to Ryan...sorry I havent talked with you much this week....hope work has been bearable.
Mail me!