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Sunday, February 25, 2007
I have had a hard weekend.
First the kids have been insane this weekend...
Then last night we got about 18 inches of snow...heavy, wet, annoying snow...which was then covered by sleet, melted a bit, then pounded by rain/sleet and then more snow...I'd like to say Thank you to our neighbors KT and Roy who let Dale use their snowblower....If they hadnt we would be still shoveling...our power went out for about 2 hours (ever tried to keep 3 kids occupied for two hours in the dark?), I had to shovel my way out (again) when the plow came through 30 sec before I left to go scrounge food..(shoveling wet slush=super dooper fun (not))....the kids spent most of the afternoon in a state of mental collapse (we didnt have boots=no outside time for sad kids...) of my friends is having a pisser of a weekend so I'm bummed for him...and to cap it all off, Malinda decided to puke apple crisp chips, apple slices and grape juice all over my nice off white carpeting....picking up chunks of vomit apples sucks. I now have a headache and a backache and the only thing keeping me going is the fact that tonite is the Oscars & BSG.
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