Friday, August 18, 2006

Stupid GE

as many of my long-time friends know, there is no love lost between me and my former employer, GE...but i do keep in touch with my most favorite NYC attorney, Craig (see picture at left...this was in NYC a few years a school a few blocks from ground zero..we just finished a 8? course meal at famous (and amazing) NYC sushi restaurant Nobu) I get a call from him today and punch out at lunch to call him...he said he got a call from amish (a lawyer at his old firm and one of my former attorneys) who asked him for my number?

Needless to say, it wasnt a social call...he wanted to chat with me about a case which i worked on, oh I dunno 3-4 years ago!! Craig (who I should mention again is a buddy) is all "um, why dont you tell me what you want her for" (good man) amish gets pretty defensive siting advisarial attorney gobble-de-gook and attorney client privledge...

What is really funny is Craig was the org. attorney on this case with me and i would think that his knowledge of the file would be confidential anyways since he worked this file for, oh i dunno 3 or 4 years? anyways...craig pisses off amish and amish hangs up...

Craig calls me and I say, why the fuck would I want to help my former employer do anything? the good ness of my heart, um no. I tell craig, Ill send you a buck to be my attorney in fact for this matter only...basically because I'd tell craig anything that was said anyways, plus i couldnt really afford craig because i think he charges hourly what i spend per week for one kid in daycare.

So i call Alan, I guy I used to work with and email him asking WTF is your attorney calling me about a case, i dont even work for guys anymore (offtopic...congrats to alan on his engagement, its about time, he's almost 40)..but he's out till Monday...Hopefully he gets back to me on Monday for a heads up...

Then i chat with an attorney at work who said, just email/call that guy and say fine what do you want, he said i dont actually have to give them any information unless i'm under oath anyways, but just to be fine..i email amish...what the hell do you want?

Then Craig emails Amish telling him he is my attorney and blah blah, plus he cc's another ex pitney attorney (and pal) now there is me, amish, amish's managing partner, ron, some guy at the firm david, craig and matt all emailing me for when i can be available? (can ya count...5 attorneys and me) so funny...I will fill everyone in when i actually talk to someone....i would just love if GE had to shell out cash for them to come here an depose very funny!
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