8-31-03 9:23 AM AND 9:30 AM
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Work was depressing although I made money today and won packer tickets (dale and I plan on seeing reggie bush in 3 weeks), got sad news that carrie's aunt died, a former employee was coming back to work and that we seem to be much poor-er than we were last week (hooray)...
Maybe the fact my kids are turning 3 is the best news I can hope for all week? I have no idea...plus Laura's blog made me sad (not that she is sad, just teenage prostitues selling themselves for 13 cents is horribly sad) and i found my favorite author Patricia Kennealy Morrison has a blog where she says that in fact, my favorite series is dead since her craptacular publisher dumped her after her last book...and its raining, and the Packers are losing horribly...man i shouldnt have gotten out of bed today, no i sure shouldnt have...
Only 6 more days till my spiritual brother man Ryan has his birthday...hoorah!
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This afternoon went to Church Picnic at St Williams (Good Times) ate, killed copious amounts of bees and swam in the kiddie pool...Dinner uneventful (no one ate), and Owen has been pooping himself raw all weekend (begs the question "who gave him milk?")
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So back to the main rant (scroll down to begin) it is amazing to me how many people stumble over this crap and get bent about it...I certainly never give what I write (which is mostly drivel anyways) another thought after I put it down here...oh well..if J/B/MR are pissy about the posts I guess they could always poundsand and rail at the heavens, lord knows I dont care enough...
No more rabbit sightings, although we saw some interesting hawks on the way home from Marching Band...they were being mobbed (thanks ryan) by robins.
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That being said...It never ceases to amaze me who out in the world is reading my blog...I got an email today from someone objecting to the content of the donkeyblog (keep in mind its called that for a reason, I am an ass.) Now generally its my position that i love the 1st ammendment & I also realize that I do not have that "fliter" that many people have (the filter that says "if you say this it may hurt someones feelings.") so I say whatever I want, have no issues with being blunt...and I wont say sorry for it, nor remove content...But since it appears that this persons folks found a post online they objected to (and let it be said, I dont generally like to piss off the parents) I found where it was and removed it...from over a year ago...(so thanks for reading the backlog!)
I think this is only the 3rd time where someone was mad at a post..anyway..toy story is almost over and i have to make dinner...TO BE CONTINUED
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Good vibes go out to Ryan and Andrea who had their identity stolen along with andreas purse...hope the po-po can find out who stole their stuff!
Some good news may be coming along for us this week...cant say anything now, but, more when i know more.
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Turns out I didnt kill or hurt anything...Dale said 'they are in here just looking at me or sleeping" and finished mowing the lawn...
I panic a bit and call Ryan (my naturalist savior) and the Wildlife rescue org..both said the same thing pretty much...If they arent bleeding or hurt just cover them back up and the mom will come back tonite and feed them...
Dale took this picture said there are 7 bunnies in the hole, unless he miscounted and one is down way deep...Arg...as much as I dont want rabbits breeding in our yard, I also don't want them to die by chucking them out of the hole... We put our small swingset over the warren so that no predators can see them from above....although If I see any Owls, Ill let Ryan know... WE just have way too much wildlife in my backyard...
...so I get a call from him today and punch out at lunch to call him...he said he got a call from amish (a lawyer at his old firm and one of my former attorneys) who asked him for my number?
Needless to say, it wasnt a social call...he wanted to chat with me about a case which i worked on, oh I dunno 3-4 years ago!! Craig (who I should mention again is a buddy) is all "um, why dont you tell me what you want her for" (good man) amish gets pretty defensive siting advisarial attorney gobble-de-gook and attorney client privledge...
What is really funny is Craig was the org. attorney on this case with me and i would think that his knowledge of the file would be confidential anyways since he worked this file for, oh i dunno 3 or 4 years? anyways...craig pisses off amish and amish hangs up...
Craig calls me and I say, why the fuck would I want to help my former employer do anything? the good ness of my heart, um no. I tell craig, Ill send you a buck to be my attorney in fact for this matter only...basically because I'd tell craig anything that was said anyways, plus i couldnt really afford craig because i think he charges hourly what i spend per week for one kid in daycare.
So i call Alan, I guy I used to work with and email him asking WTF is your attorney calling me about a case, i dont even work for guys anymore (offtopic...congrats to alan on his engagement, its about time, he's almost 40)..but he's out till Monday...Hopefully he gets back to me on Monday for a heads up...
Then i chat with an attorney at work who said, just email/call that guy and say fine what do you want, he said i dont actually have to give them any information unless i'm under oath anyways, but just to be nice...so fine..i email amish...what the hell do you want?
Then Craig emails Amish telling him he is my attorney and blah blah, plus he cc's another ex pitney attorney (and pal) Matt...so now there is me, amish, amish's managing partner, ron, some guy at the firm david, craig and matt all emailing me for when i can be available? (can ya count...5 attorneys and me) so funny...I will fill everyone in when i actually talk to someone....i would just love if GE had to shell out cash for them to come here an depose me...so very funny!
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yesterday was a great day...around 2pmish everyone but me and Mya were asleep so we snuck out ran downtown and shared a raspberry/strawberry gelatto and came home..it was nice out so we went out side and (RYAN HELP!) found these two bug shells under our playset just stuck to the wood..They look like, giant beetles (?) cicadas (?) locusts (?) no clue...Ryan...they were bigger than a penny, but smaller than a quarter (wasnt able to place anything for scale as was upside down and on an angle)..and when we knocked it down they were hollow shells! ugg! (second picture below-side view)
As I mentioned to Ryan Bruce is in charge this week since Kurt is OOO. He managed to fix, or at least try to fix some long standing annoying as hell problems in oh, about 30 fucking seconds. It was nice to have someone recognize you have an issue, find someone to fix the issue, and do it, um you know, right now.
Dale is not back home yet...I hope he gets home soon...from his trip.
Checking my calandar I doubt an Atlanta Trip is possible this year...however if Ryan and Andrea have time during the winter holidays, you are all welcome over here for a board-game-a-polooza, maybe Shannon and Jason want to come over too?
Right now I'm toodling around online, listening to a DEPRESSING imix and thinking about starting to watch basic Instinct 2...
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If I even so much as have this guy look at me funny I am throwing a fit and going over my boss and bosses boss head to the sr partner, i swear to god.
This week is very busy, working alot, leaving work early wed (market test study with Mya) working 1/2 day Friday, 1/2 day Saturday and nothing sunday!
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Today we went to get oils changed in car, had Gage and Shannon over (Owen loves his book and train...) and went out for Pizza @ Rocky's...Now everyone is napping, I cleaned up stairs and I need a nap!
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