all in daycare (and on a good note, they have been undercharging me
for Owen for about 3 weeks…not my job to point this out…) so Dale was
able to mow the lawn Friday afternoon. I was able to work on
painting the bathroom. Once again, I'm back to hating the bathroom.
I bought the sand compound/paint crap to put texture on the walls
before I paint. Its like a 2 gallon bucket and the stuff is about as
thick as Oatmeal and about as easy to spread around. I don't have the
right roller to do this with so I have to paint. (sigh) It took at
least 3 hours this weekend (an hour a day) to get the area over the
tub and ALMOST the entire west wall (which is the biggest area that
needs to be done) covered with this slop.
The main problem I have
is its totally messy to do this…and after it dries I have to sort of
rub (?) the wall with my hand to have the sand that got gloppy (?)
flake off…arg. And to add insult to injury…(being that I figured once
Nick was done it would take me a few hours to prep and paint…) my kid
(Malinda) keeps asking (everytime we walk past the bathroom or go into
the bathroom) "Where is the yellow Mommy? Where is it??" & the
texture paint said it needs a week to Cure and 30 days (!) before you
can prime! So my goal of having this fully done before the kids turn
3 (thus making this a 3 year bathroom project) does not look very
possible (unless I kick ass tonight on the painting front…) BAH!
Saturday my mom came over to finish our staining for the front hallway
(another 3 year project in the works) she finished the 2nd coat
yesterday (Sunday) and touched up the painting on the walls where she
had dripped stain. This was also a very stressful thing having her
staining as we couldn't touch the wood (almost impossible to avoid
with the kids and the cat) and it smelled.
Saturday morning we
hung around the house…and I took the kids to Westwood to play in kids
club while I work out. Its funny because Owen and Mya go crazy crying
and stuff when I drop them off, then they don't want to leave when I
come back to pick them up! They like playing in there and I think its
well worth the $6.00 it costs me to have someone watch them for an
hour as they get exposed to new kids and new caregivers…plus hey, I
get to work out which doesn't suck! Then that afternoon we had
Wendy's for lunch and we did some outside time as well.
I went
with Owen and bought a sprinkler for the kids to run through. They
had more fun trying to stop the sprinkler from spinning around and
running around naked. We went to my brothers baseball game (they
lost) and got home late (and wet it rained) picked up a Little
Caesar's Pizza and had the kids go to bed a bit later than normal.
Sunday in the morning Malinda woke up way early and the other two an
hour or so later. We had our breakfast, and hit the store for
shopping @ Pick N Save. We ate enough there in free samples that the
kids weren't even hungry for lunch when we got home. We had them run
under the hose for an hour or so outside until it got too hot and they
went to bed with no problem last night.
I watched the end of "The
Talented Mr. Ripley" last night (not as good a movie once Jude Law
gets killed) and part of "Torch Song Trillogy" which was boring and I
returned without finishing it. I have Junebug @ home (which Ebert
raves about) and I THINK (although am not sure) that I have 3 disc's
of Carnival Season II coming this week…
Recent I-tunes downloads:
Rasputina: The Lost & Found CD & The Only Broadway Album You'll Ever
Need CD. NEED: The Lightening Seeds "Pure"
Mail me!