Also I was at the gas station this AM (as you can see by below pictures) and the local ABC station was filming a spot on…wait for it…that it snowed (really!) and that when it snows cars need to use windshield washer fluid to see (cue reporter with bottle of the blue stuff). This is emmy award winning stuff right here.
Last night I had to work late, it snowed so I didn’t get home till like 9:40, quickly watched last weeks ER on tape and hit the sack.
Today it was snowing so we ordered a pizza @ 10:54, it did not arrive until 1:47. We did not accept the pizza and are now boycotting Papa John’s. It took me exactly 3 minutes to get from my parking lot to Papa John’s-no excuse that I had to eat Taco Bell when I was thinking Papa Johns. Rat Bastards.
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