Friday I had to take Owen down to his ENT Dr. to check his tubes. One of his tubes was blocked so she had to open it up (basically a long needle thing, pop the tube open and suction out the ear junk. The Dr. was shocked that he didn’t squirm or cry while she was doing this. I said he is a mellow kid.
While we were in Oconomowoc, it started to snow. This was heavy, wet, and FAST snow! Owen thought it was funny that he was cold. Silly kid. We picked up Brueggers for dinner for the kids…and drove home. The kids were pretty tired and actually went to sleep on time and with little fuss!
Saturday was a “live and learn” experience for me. We got a free ticket to a “Family Fun” thing @ the Expo Center. It was $8.50 for each of us and then they had some dinky rides and games but you had to pay to ride those….It was pretty crappy…The kids liked seeing the animals (tigers, monkeys, lemurs, zebra, cows, kangaroos etc…
We paid $4.00 to throw darts at balloons to get the kids a stuffed bear and a plastic trumpet. The girls had fun watching this dance company perform “Peter and The Wolf” and a few cool interpretive dance thingys. They liked watching that.
We went to lunch at McDonalds, the kids ate good and played on the playset inside for awhile-Mya climbed way up in the thing, over and through the tunnel, it was a bit scary for mom. The kids refused to nap (Owen did) and so by 4pm were a screaming, crabby mess. They wouldn’t go to sleep, wouldn’t stay in bed and spent most of the next two hours after we put them down, climbing into each others beds, playing with blocks, playing with books, and singing.
Sunday was Owen’s birthday party @ Chuck E Cheese. The kids did well, Gage got sick and couldn’t go, however my kids, the Abts kids and The Reynolds’ plus Carol’s mom, and Auntie Robin/Uncle Jason and Uncle Matt were there! Owen liked his pizza, loved the cake and had fun playing wack-a-shark. The kids once again refused their nap (less the 15 min they got in the car) and were again raving crabby crappy kids.
My mom boycotted the party (for reasons unknown to me, she was “busy”, but according to my brother was at home doing nothing)-but we saw her later.
I steam cleaned the basement carpet (our washer flooded last week and soaked the carpet along the laundry room wal!) since it totally smelled like, wet dog & cat piss. (I think because the previous owner had a big ass black lab, and the kitty box is in the laundry room….) Either way, the house really stunk. My mom brought over pine sol and I put some of that in the carpet cleaning thing. It totally helped the house and carpet smelled great (and pine-y!)!
Last night without football, TV was crap, crap, craptacular. I was so disillusioned with TV I ended up putting in “Bridget Jones-Edge of Reason” and watching the extras. Then I scrapbooked for an hour, and went to bed.
Today is Owen’s 1yr check up (and shots), he is staying at my parents during the birthday party (once again at Chuck E Cheese) tonight. I don’t plan on staying much longer than an hour. The kids have enough problems getting to sleep-I don’t need 2 hours of crazy to make them even more unable to sleep!
I have to tape Gilmore Girls tonight (if it is new) and do dishes after the kids are asleep.
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