I get wheeled in to the U/s area, skip about 50 people in the waiting room (many dirty looks) and get in to get checked. I am screaming in pain and the U/S tech does my scan (they couldnt drug me till after i talked to the dr.) and the dr. comes in and says " you are in critical condition with a massive DVT (deep vain thrombosis) or blood clot." "If we do not operate NOW you will either 1. lose your leg 2. have a clot break off and hit your lungs and you die or 3. be paralyzed "Im all, great, whatever just make it stop hurting." They dope me up GOOD (thanks to that nurse, i have no idea what her name was but she has 12 yr old twin boys) and send me for the 1st of 5 catheterizatioins to the back of my left leg.
I was in the ICU for 3 days (and i guess i made many doped up calls to people, if i called you im sorry...dylan thought this was funny as hell..and congrats on 80 days sober) and in the medical floor for the remaining 4 days. I have to take blood thinners for 8 months, wear special nylons during the day to improve circulation, i walk funny (but better daily) and I can NEVER ever take hormone birth control again as that may have been why i clotted in the 1st place.
So, Im off work till next week, i almost died, my house is a disaster area and my kids missed me. How the hell is YOUR day?
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