Monday, October 04, 2004

Its hard to say if the weekend was eventful or uneventful. The girls were both sick, I was sick...Friday afternoon Mya had a 103 fever and it went downhill from there. Mya was in the ER Saturday night with fever and projectile vomiting (shes fine). We took the girls to the Mall and Grandmas on Saturday PM and that was about it for the weekend.

I have some sort of cold or flu or viral thing which makes me feel like death...yesterday I went out to the store to get OJ and Pedalyte and didnt shut the door to the garage all the the cat got out....I went outside looking for her (she is NOT an outside cat) and was pretty frantic..turns out she showed up in the garage 5-10 min later with HUGE eyes making sad crying noises-she was pretty freaked out, we were glad to have her home!

I went to bed early last night, Malinda woke up at 3:30, 4:45 and 6am...she wouldnt get up at 5:30 and just sort of flopped down in my lap and went back to sleep until 6am...funny.

I'm sure they will have a cruddy day at daycare, I'm just worried that I will have to leave work and bring them home. I can barely function no way can I handle 2 sick kids and a sick and pregnant me.

Tonight I plan on colapsing and dying around 7pm.
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