Dad and the Killer Bee's

Took Mya to La Estacion last night for dinner, she had a chicken taco and rice and beans, most of it went in her mouth only a bit was on the floor-good for her.
Didnt do much last night, watched Inside the Actors Studio (Mike Meyers and Robin Williams) and worked on my x-stitch....no biggie. Enjoy the pictures!
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Malinda is teething really bad and keeps chewing on her hand....she's been cranky. We tought her how to do "TOUCHDOWN" when ever the packers or badgers score...then she claps her hands, very cute.
they Spent part of yesterday with Grandma, Dale raked leaves, I shopped for food and pharmecuitcals, then we cleaned a bit....it was a nice break.
So here's my quandry for the day: If Princess Leia is a princess by virtue of being adopted by the King and Queen of Alderan and her planet (and her parents) was destroyed early in Episode IV, why isn't then she Queen Leia? (because she is not queen by virtue of her mother Padme Amadala since Naboo's queen is an elected position and her mother was a senator (presumably) when she died.) Just something that bothered me as I watched Epi IV and V this weekend.
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We watched football yesterday-I'm a big ass fantasy looser because I started the wrong back up RB....booger.
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After a long bath (she was filthy) and a pet she was VERY happy to be home with us and spent most of the night purring at our feet/heads.
Watched Eurotrip last night and enjoyed it, plan on watching F 9/11 tonight (which Dale wil not be as he is a Bushie).
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I have some sort of cold or flu or viral thing which makes me feel like death...yesterday I went out to the store to get OJ and Pedalyte and didnt shut the door to the garage all the way...so the cat got out....I went outside looking for her (she is NOT an outside cat) and was pretty frantic..turns out she showed up in the garage 5-10 min later with HUGE eyes making sad crying noises-she was pretty freaked out, we were glad to have her home!
I went to bed early last night, Malinda woke up at 3:30, 4:45 and 6am...she wouldnt get up at 5:30 and just sort of flopped down in my lap and went back to sleep until 6am...funny.
I'm sure they will have a cruddy day at daycare, I'm just worried that I will have to leave work and bring them home. I can barely function no way can I handle 2 sick kids and a sick and pregnant me.
Tonight I plan on colapsing and dying around 7pm.
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