LIFERS. The lifer is what it sounds, they are gonna work for this company till they die and have worked here for like 10 years. The lifers may be managers, or not; either way they all hang out together, go to lunches together to talk about all the newbies and smokers (see below), go to each others weddings, kids birthday parties, and 4th of July BBQ's. Its impossible to be in their little club unless you too work for the company for a billion years. Get on their bad side and work and you are fucked.
NEWBIES. People who just got hired. They are totally lost and alone since they don't know anyone enough to break into a new clique. They eat lunch by themselves and try pretty hard to fit in with some group or another....they spend their time waiting to stop being "the new guy."
SMOKERS. Just what it sounds like. The bastards in the office who smoke and get to take extra breaks (which the non smokies dont get) to stand outside and chat....
ill break it down more when i have more time-work calls.
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