The thing I have to get used to at my new company is that being called into the boss/owners office for a quick minute is not a bad thing. From working at a big company I have learned that when you are called in your bosses office it means you will get yelled at. Here, I got called in this AM for my boss (aka the president/owner of the company) to sit down with me for a sec to tell me how glad he is that they hired me and found me and how great its been to have me here etc...
Shit like that is nice. I'm so used to being beaten down and yelled at at the big company that I'm always nervous when someone calls me into their office. So its nice to have not to be freaked when your boss wants to chat with you for a quick second. :)
and then I got hollared at yesterday for leaving at 3:30 to get a I guess it all evens out! Mail me!