A breakfast taco (for those not in the know) is basically a gordita bread thing with eggs and meat and I think maybe some onion? All wrapped up and eaten with hot sauce. It was tasty.
Dylan and I then decided to go to Sea World as Fiesta Texas (which is Great America only in Texas) was closed for the season. (even though it was 75 degrees today?!) The 410 highway was moving as fast as the cars in the REM “Everybody Hurts” video (which is to say not at all) so it took us like 600 hours to get there.
We saw three shows, a Dolphin/Manatee/Diving Humans show (rad), a Sea Lion/Walrus/Otter show (very rad), and (of course) the Shamu The Killer Whale (read: Asshole of the Ocean) show.
Dylan was picked beforehand to be the volunteer in the show and he actually got this || close to the whale (I have this on video) and he got SOAKED!! It was very cool. We also went on the 2 roller coasters there, very cool.
Then we went home, had dinner (which Dylan made-yum) and then decided to go out for Saturday night.
We first went to Broadway Bar (nice, had a bunch of leather chairs and a big screen) played darts with Jason and Lesley (Dylans coworkers), got some free Schmirnoff Swag and then decided to hit the Riverwalk and go to Howl at the Moon which is a rowdy Piano Bar Howl at the Moon
This place was nuts, NVTS Nuts. Dylan and co. closed the place and we went home. Dylan and I stayed up till like 4:30am talking about um, stuff. It was also my birthday at midnight so Dylan bought me a shot.
Today I had brunch with Art, Paula and three actor friends of theirs. I am going to a play with Art and Paula that the actors are in this afternoon. Happy Birthday to me, more later.