Tuesday, July 31, 2007


o today I am watching a free preview of "Flipping Out" which I think is on Bravo...Basically you have a guy with OCD that buys properties in California, fixes them up and flips the house. This guy redefines bat shit crazy. His assistants hate him, he has a maid for his pets, something like 6 psychics, pet whisperers, a primal scream therapist, does wacky all employee house blessings, and he's like 4 million in debt or god knows what...but has like 18 million in realestate he is trying to flip. They are totally nice houses, you know if you want 2000 sq feet for 2.8 million. Gotta love that California shit.

there is this wierd vibe around here that a certain supervisor is going out of their way to try (we think) and get someone fired around here. now according to this person, the fact that their boss is overseeing every minute of every hour of their day (they feel) is harassment, even though that boss has caught them I dunno how many times, fucking around or not doing what they should be doing or taking 2 hours to do a 20 minute job etc...now I agree having your boss looking over your shoulder all day every day is annoying as hell, but your boss and the company pretty much own you so if they want to sit and watch you work i guess they can and I dont think you can claim its harassment for them to expect you to do your job and to make sure you do your job. This person is also complaining that the boss doesnt do this for everyone else he oversees, and it was very hard for me to bite my tongue and say "well maybe that's because those people havent given him a reason to do that." i dunno, somedays you just wish they would fire the deadweight right away.

The powers that be are also on a tatoo + piercing kick. They are now forcing people to cover any visable tats with bandaids, gauze and tape, or clothes so (for example) my coworker who has cherries on her boob (well the top anyways) and usually wears scoop neck shirts, now has to cover her tat with a giant plastic bandaid (which only covers like 2/3 of her tat so its even more noticable that she has this tat) and a huge gauze and tape thing on her calf (to cover up her leg tat) so it looks like she is in the burn ward or something i dunno...and its even more noticable and obvious that something is there when you have this big ass bandaid in wierd ass places. Someone asked me what my tat was (i have none) since i have a big ass bandaid on my arm (burned on oven) so i said "um I have no tatoos?" they said "whats the bandaid for?" I proceeded to show them my oven burn, peely nasty festeringness and all...that pretty much caused an "oh, right, sorry." now anyone with a bandaid must be hiding a tatoo? shannon, I think jason would bust the bandaid bank if he had to work here and cover up with bandaids! Its just so lame that you'd make someone bandaid up...I would think it would be less obvious if you had them go home and change clothes, put on pants a higher necked/long sleve shirt or something...then another coworker walked by and her boob tat is peaking out blue as day...beyond stupid.

hooray my HP VII audiobook is back at the library, I can pick it up today, too fun!

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Monday, July 30, 2007

do you have a case of the monday's?

So Im recovering from a long weekend with nothing much that went on. The brewers dropped 3, do they are only a 1/2 game up on the Cubs who can not lose apparantly (looks like if things keep up we won't even make the playoffs)...We didnt really do anything this weekend, went to Madison on Saturday for the farmers market (got zucchinis for my mom to make zucchini bread), ate at Noodles and Co on state street and was appalled at the beautification of state street, all the quirky, cool shops they used to have have been replaced by The Gap and huge art museums and stuff...bah.

yesterday we went to westwood, my mom took everyone swimming, dale and i worked out..then the kids didnt want to sleep last night (i think owen went out at 9:30? or later) so this morning was a fun time getting everyone up...owen was making sock puppets (out of his socks) and having a puppet show...then when i busted him again it was having his white and pink cow beating up buzz lightyear....i think he has a future in the theatre.

This week I have nothing planned except for a brewers game this sunday..

Im watching Flight of the Conchords on my ipod this week...(free from itunes) and I can't decide if its funny or not, I mean I like the music videos part of the show the music is catchy and all, but Im not really sold on the non singing part...i dunno, its a wierd show (man)...

I am also watching Welcome to The Parker. which is about this swank hotel in Palm Springs/Beverly hills (whatever) Ive never heard of the place but damn do they have issues, I may have to watch this show weekly, its high art, dayum!

My shoe just broke, there goes my 20.00 kohls sandals...they lasted like 3 months....arrrrrg, im having a day.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

please dont get me started

Please dont let me get started on the crap my fellow employees are pulling at work, I will pop a blood vessel in my brain. I guess this whole issue of lack of work ethic is something I just dont understand. Maybe it comes from having a strong self employed/union background on my grandparents side and a strong work ethic home life (my dad as a teacher and administrator worked often 12 hr days, plus summers plus weekends and even though is retired still works a stupid amount of hours in the district + my mom doesnt know how to NOT work.) that I just don't get how people live their lives by showing up for work "when they feel like it." I thought Frank and Allison were bad when I worked at GE (where you got 20 sick days startin in Jan and they would be out of days by like early March) but DAMN people around, those two yahoos from BITD have got nothin on my coworkers.... Its enough going around here to make me into a teeotaler (which I pretty much am anyway since like when would i get time to drink?).

Today at work watched Maverick (funny, before Mel Gibson was all crazy-ed up), Ghost Rider (so so, liked Hellboy better) and started watching Big Love (men and you thought you had problems with one wife? you want to get all exponentially harassed with 3? damn!) which is very intriguing. I also started converting Scrubs which I had never previously watched, but now Dale seems to be hooked so I guess I should start at the beginning....the shows I've seen on TV are beyond funny..once again, why wasnt i watching this show before?

Today is rainy and humid, the weather online catagorizes it as 77 and "Hazy." I hope that Owen was able to get outside at Erins (he is at Erin's today, playing with baby Lucy who he adores) at first I was a bit wierded out at having him watched in someone elses house, but since we know Erin and since she is certified to work at the daycare I am pretty sure she can handle one infant and one toddler with attitude (who bit and hit his teacher 4 times in 2 hours yesterday).

Tonight, fun fun, we get to clean the garage
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

drunky mc drunk

Is everyone I know some sort of deranged alcoholic?

So this week at work we have someone who so obviously has a drinking
issue (ie, cant ever come to work because they Andrew WK it so much)
someone else who got likkered up and beat up on the baby momma (for
like the 982623th time) and someone else who got their 3rd Drunk
Driving ticket (and they have only been 21 for a little over 8
months). The 1st person really pisses me off because they know they
have a problem but have said flat out "I won't do anything or admit it
to anyone because I dont want to go to rehab and my mom will cut me
off if I do that." the 2nd person got kicked out of their own house
(and had to leave the babymomma and baby) and has like their um-teenth
court date next month, and the 3rd person is such an idiot anyway that
I'm surprised the cops can tell the difference when he drives sober as
he is a moron no matter what. I guess I'm more tolerant outside of
work (to people I know and like) having addiction issues. When its'
people I work with and the company doesnt seem to want to do anything
or say anything (They have history of being OK with people coming to
work drunk/hungover/reeking of the Boone's Farm) and either fire these
people for their repeated absences

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Friday, July 20, 2007

happy friday

so today I watched "The Illusionist" at work. This has got to be one of my top 10 movies of the year. I loved it. Now I liked the "other" magician movie "The Prestige" as well, but this one really kicked ass....I actually got a bit of respect for Jessica Biel (which I really didnt have before as I always just saw her as some blonde bint who appeared in a bunch of lad mags). I had forgotten all about how great an actor Edward Norton is, it was also cemented last night when the answer on one of the world series of pop culture was "Primal Fear," which (I think) was Edward Norton's first acting role & a excellent surprise ending. It also reminded me I need to rent American History X.....Last night I watched an oldie but a goodie "Young Sherlock Holmes." I forgot how cool I thought this movie was when I was like 12 years old (or so). I also realized that the actor who plays the young Holmes was in another one of my favorite Films, "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels," he plays a stoner. I guess this is the week for British boarding school movies, first Harry Potter, and now this...Speaking of HP, Dale appears to be around page 350ish in the latest HP. Last night I was on mugglenet and they have a very excellent list of "loose ends" that they have compiled that need to be tied up/answered in Book 7. So Dale is looking over them with me and he is making me super pissed by saying "oh yes, you find this one out right away" or "oh yeah, R.A.B. is XXXXX XXXXX" (you ass you have ruined it for me ahhhhhhhhhh!) Now I have no idea if Dale is just being an ass and lying about "oh yes this gets answered right away" or "yeah it was cool how he/she did that." or "yes, there is nudity" (in response to my joking question "are there naked boobies in it yet?") or if he is being serious. He actually had one question for me which he really wanted to ask about something in Book 6 but wasnt sure if it would spoil it for me...I can assure you his question actually didnt spoil anything for me since I had already pretty much 99% surmised that the issue in question was what it actually turned out to be, so he didnt really spoil much....

In other random things:

My cousin Matt (not to be confused with my brother matt) is getting married in October @ the Grand Geneva resort and he called and asked if the girls would like to be flower girls in the wedding. Sure, they'd love it! Now I have done two things on this so far (he called 10 -15 min ago) I have a: not told my mom (who will, of course, be all mad/upset/disapointed because I am sure she will say its "terribly impractical" to have kids that young (they will be 4) in a wedding and she will keep up her mad-ness until the day of the wedding when, seeing how cute they are in bridesmaids dresses she will shut up see evidence from the fur muff and cape from my wedding circa 2002) and b: let my mother in law know its an owen day only....also have to now start process of flower girl dresses etc...this is going to cost me loads and i do not care....weddings are fun and as i said to my MIL, I always was hurt when i was little that my uncle mike and uncle myron didnt have me in their weddings...its part of the reason why i asked my cousin marina to stand up in mine, what girl doesnt want to be a flower girl? seriously.

renee were you and Olivia at westwood yesterday around 5:45? I thought I saw you as I was leaving? we should so get the girls and oliva together at westwood for a playdate in the pool eh?

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Monday, July 16, 2007

sad day at work

sort of a sad day here at work. 'MoTom wasnt here when I came in this morning (very odd) I was going to call him with a usual "where the F are you?" but got sidetracked and didnt call...about 7:30 Kurt comes in, I ask "where is 'MoTom?" Kurt proceeds to tell me his mom died VERY unexpectedly Saturday Morning/Friday night and he didnt find out about it till Saturday night (he was at a wedding in Manitowoc 2 hrs away) and rushed home from it (taking an hour to get back home) to see his mom being taken away (very sad). It was very unexpected as she was in great health and very spry for her age (70, I think.). So he is here but just to review his Mom's will with an attorney here. I believe I will go to her service on Wed because I like 'MoTom.

I also take exception to the phrase "passed away unexpectedly." Ok, when do you expect people to die? I understand if you have a long illness or something I guess your death is expected in some respects, but at the end of the day, unless you are planning on murdering someone and tell everyone in the world your plans, isnt everyones death unexpected? I dunno. Maybe its right up there with people saying "she passed last night." Passed? passed what, a hamburger, gas, the gas station...say "passed away" if you must... ( i take no credit for that part of the rant, someone else brought that up 1st>)

and I feel a bit more republican today than I am comfortable with, it has been proposed that in WI we get universal health care by the working people (me) paying part of the cost for the non working people (everyone else). I dont really want to pay for people like my coworker, lets call her Kringle. She was rec. in the hospital in ICU for something like 3 weeks with pnumonia, her lungs collapsed, she had to be cracked open and her lungs flushed out of goop, big deal....wasnt here at work for something like 2 months....now you would think that a month or so of not being able to smoke would inspire you to FUCKING QUIT SMOKING SINCE YOU HAVE A HEAD START AT IT? no. shes outside puffing away at her 2 pk a day habit. Its people like this who I dont want to pay for health coverage because you obviously arent smart enough to take care of yourself by quitting while you are a head.
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sad day at work

sort of a sad day here at work. 'MoTom wasnt here when I came in this morning (very odd) I was going to call him with a usual "where the F are you?" but got sidetracked and didnt call...about 7:30 Kurt comes in, I ask "where is 'MoTom?" Kurt proceeds to tell me his mom died VERY unexpectedly Saturday Morning/Friday night and he didnt find out about it till Saturday night (he was at a wedding in Manitowoc 2 hrs away) and rushed home from it (taking an hour to get back home) to see his mom being taken away (very sad). It was very unexpected as she was in great health and very spry for her age (70, I think.). So he is here but just to review his Mom's will with an attorney here. I believe I will go to her service on Wed because I like 'MoTom.

I also take exception to the phrase "passed away unexpectedly." Ok, when do you expect people to die? I understand if you have a long illness or something I guess your death is expected in some respects, but at the end of the day, unless you are planning on murdering someone and tell everyone in the world your plans, isnt everyones death unexpected? I dunno. Maybe its right up there with people saying "she passed last night." Passed? passed what, a hamburger, gas, the gas station...say "passed away" if you must... ( i take no credit for that part of the rant, someone else brought that up 1st>)

and I feel a bit more republican today than I am comfortable with, it has been proposed that in WI we get universal health care by the working people (me) paying part of the cost for the non working people (everyone else). I dont really want to pay for people like my coworker, lets call her Kringle. She was rec. in the hospital in ICU for something like 3 weeks with pnumonia, her lungs collapsed, she had to be cracked open and her lungs flushed out of goop, big deal....wasnt here at work for something like 2 months....now you would think that a month or so of not being able to smoke would inspire you to FUCKING QUIT SMOKING SINCE YOU HAVE A HEAD START AT IT? no. shes outside puffing away at her 2 pk a day habit. Its people like this who I dont want to pay for health coverage because you obviously arent smart enough to take care of yourself by quitting while you are a head.
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Friday, July 13, 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007

better late than never!

another Friday is here, hazah. We have no plans for this weekend that I can think of. There is a ton of stuff we could do, but I haven't narrowed down to what we plan on doing to keep the kids busy quite yet. I know we have to return stuff to the library and that's it. I think its supposed to be pretty hot this weekend, that leaves out the zoo....plus summerfest (aka, drinky drinky music time) is going on downtown so that cuts out the museums down there....I would consider going to Madison for farmers market, but I always seem to pick the weekend with no fresh produce (aka, art faire on the square) which upsets me when I plan for fresh zucchini and I get modern art, generally you cant eat the art.

Bob had suggested trying Minooka park. He said the beach is very clean and they sweep/rake it every day and I guess its $5.00 a carload to use the beach. He said Keira had a great time at the beach and the water is very shallow for a good ways out...I think the kids would have fun but I'm a bit nervous 3 kids and 2 parents plus a big beach and water may equal disaster...

There is also a wooden railway somewheres out in east troy that takes people on a steam train for like a 45 min scenic ride ending at elegant farmer (yum pies) which I think is a def. maybe...the kids love the trains....

I am also sure there is some random church festival around the area which has sweet corn (which IMHO is a food from the gods).

In news of the hurt back depending on which way I sit/stand/lay it doesn't hurt at all, move an inch and BAM pain. The pills from the doctor which I didn't think were doing anything actually seem to work as I toughed it out last night and didn't take one before bed (large mistake). I think the hot tub after work did help a bit (hooray for Westwood).

'moTom & CG & I are talking about a weekend road trip down to IL to go to IKEA. As much as I love the look of IKEA I know the furn. is crappy (well cheep in an expensive way) but it looks purdy. I am thinking of getting some accessories for the new bedroom downstairs. My one starting point for the great move is to grab paint swatches from Home Depot, tape them to the wall and contemplate starting to paint. The reality of moving 4 bookshelves worth of books upstairs and the desks and the rest of the stuff is stopping the great move. My parents are also giving us their old (meaning, no one has walked on it, or spilled on it and after 15 years looks brand new) piano room carpet (a pretty light blue and plushy) to recarpet the horrible bedroom (the carpet is so tamped down that you cant even vac. it....dirt just sort of pushes itself around) so I'm waiting till we have that carpet before moving the stuff...(its a perfectly plausible reason to not spend an entire Saturday moving stuff around).

the great purge of useless crap around my house stalled this week, I did not get my large garbage bag of stuff tossed out. I did fill up 3 paper bags of old clothes that are ripped, don't fit pit stained (dales) and socks we don't wear. That all goes to my moms to decide if its good for rags or to the salvation army. So I think that could qualify as me decluttering for the week. Dale has a bit more space in his closet and I have no appreciable difference in mine (its hard to get rid of summer clothes you don't wear when you really have a lack of summer clothes to wear). I think the next room to tackle is the living room (aka the room we never use) which really has no "stuff" but seems to accumulate the junk we don't want to put away. I also plan on weeding through the 3 shelves of Rubbermaid, Tupperware, and gladwear containers that we have clogging up the pantry. Half of them don't have lids, half the lids don't have containers and I wonder daily why I have so many containers I don't use. They are destined for the recycle bin. The last project is the dungeon of the under the stairs storage. There is so much crap (mostly xmas crap) that in order to get to the crap you have to pull all the crap in front of the crap out to find the crap you were looking for in the first place (its horrible and its my fault) I think the lost city of Atlantis is somewhere under the stairs. The reason its lost is that the xmas tree, high chair, random boxes of crap and my camping backpack are blocking the view of the lost city. Oh, does anyone NEED a high chair? It is without a doubt, next to the wipes warmer, the most useless baby gift we ever got. I hated the high chair, rarely used the high chair, and it takes up way way too much space in my tiny kitchen. High chairs are smegma.

So I just finished a one-off book by OOMFA Kelley Anderson called Exit Strategy. She usually writes this series called Women of the Otherworld which is a fantasy/horror/mystery series where vampires, witches (not the pointy hat kind), were's etc.. exist...this one is a straight thriller about a hit woman who owns a hunting lodge in Canada...It was really fantastic and I'm hoping that she writes some more books with this character. I find I have been reading quite a few Canadian authors lately...Its odd, I'm starting to recognize things in Canada based on the stuff I have been reading..very strange.

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

my back hurts

Happy 4th....I am in an interesting amount of pain....my cough has decided to manifest its way to the bottom veribrae on my spine. Now when I cough my lower back hurts. Normally I'd just accept this as normal since I always seem to cough myself into abandon when I get sick..The not normal part is that the last time I had a blood clot (the one that almost killed the girl) the pain pretty much started where it hurts now.....and my PT score after my blood work last week was a little wacky so I'm trying not to be paranoid and think "crap, now I have another clot being thrown!" but then again the problem the last time is I didnt take my "little backache" seriously and ended up in the ICU for a week. Nick assured me I am just getting old. Thanks Nick. Walking is a new experience in pain...of course this has to happen before a holiday. crud.

So you know you are an alcoholic if you plan your work day and your vacation time around the drunk you need to get on the day before. Its very sad that someone I work with is a functioning alcoholic, instead of realizing that "hey i am going to go out and have a good time on X night, maybe have a few drinks etc...and come in to work tomorrow" they pretty much operate under a "i am going to get wasted, not come in to work/take a vacation day on a Tuesday because I have to get wasted to celebrate Canada Day (or whatever)" This person knows she has a problem, but won't admit to the problem b/c then she would actually have to get help. Sad. I guess friends hers outside of work tried to do an intervention but it was a disaster. Its also sad that the work environment she is in pretty much supports her alcoholism....I don't buy the alcoholism is a disease B/S that gets fed to me. Cancer is a disease, AIDS is a disease..drinking is your choice and drinking to excess even when you "cant" stop, also your choice that was predicated by the choices to made to start drinking like a fish anyways.... I don't think AA is the only answer (thats part of what she is afraid of I guess), but at least its a start and is better than leaving your kid home alone so you can get blasted on a tuesday night, drinking yourself into illness, drinking while you are going through Chemo and Radiation...and even better, going to your oncologists office drunk to ask can you wait a week for your radiation to start so you can "drink and party over the 4th." Thats fucking weak and sad......especially when your oncologist says "man you must have been drinking last night because I can smell it on your skin." um no, that would be, i just woke up because i was so drunk and hungover i had to have a drink to be able to drive here to see you, you are smelling the beer I have in my system now. stupid and lame....slowing getting close to being a bus person.

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