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Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
does it ever stop raining in spring...lousy wetness around here...grr (at least it aint snow) so today was great, my boss gave me an extra 2 vacation days, this year that means i basically get 3 weeks glad i negotiated 2 weeks in oct, i feel much happier about work....everyone is on vacation tomorrow (and most likely crapgirl will be sick) so its just me...hooray...i may decide that the client services department takes itself out to Stabucks for a latte...or actually take a lunch..(wierd) friend ryan got some good news (not for public release yet) and im hoping it all shakes out for of the day today "divorce song" liz phair
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
what started as a horrible day, ended up pretty good...we flew kites over at my moms house (correction, i flew the kite, everyone else watched), ate a good dinner (packet chicken and broc + cheese packet casserole) and now are getting kids ready for bed. happy weekend and good luck to gage on the surgery next week!
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
the worst ever
We have ants...great gobs of fucking ants...everywhere in our basement....EVERYWHERE. they are pouring out of the walls, the baseboards....its mental....The Orkin man is coming tomorrow which means I have to take off work tomorrow and come in on Saturday (fuck fuck fuck) that means dropping money to fix the ants and then dropping more money to fix the drywall and we HOPE that we won't have to fix the foundation of our house because the floor is damp again where it was last year before nick fixed everything....i hate being a homeowner i wish i could dump all of this on a landlord. maybe my crabbyness is also due to the smell of raid permiating the basement...its entirely possible...stupid hillary swank and her plague movie aint got nothing on my basement plague of ants.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
happy monday!
so movie day is of a theme: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and dream a little dream...could be the best movies ever...eternal sunshine just makes ya cry everytime...when clemintine says "meet me in montauk," i lose it every time. This week i have off on friday...getting both cars fixed....seeing grindhouse as a matinee with my hubby..which means hopefully on saturday i can contact the conserv8 and we can both express how cool it was....
today i have to run to walgreens after work and pick up pedometers for dale and i...i guess his work is doing another program where they can go up levels of steps and win prizes each week etc....this whole new diet, exercize plan that dales work has is challenging in the fact that now i have to plan meatless meals and yet still get protein in for the kids. in a month dale has lost 10 lbs, and in 2 weeks (or so) ive dropped 4.5. dale needs to drop at least 25 to get the 250.00...i said once i drop 25 im doing down to ATL to visit.....maybe at 50 lbs i can get a nice necklace from tiffany's (haha).....
this week more books come out from my fav. authors but i sold a bunch of crap on ebay so its all a wash as far as spending is concerned (yea!)....i have 2 DVD's coming in the mail (Twin Peaks vol 2 and Northern Exposure Vol 6...) which means even more TV watching at work....not including the 2 seasons of ROME i have to slog through...
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Sunday, April 01, 2007
why bother?
you know in a way i am glad that i am married and i dont have to play all those dating relationship check yes or no do you like me games....that bullshit is tiring.
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